Zirgulis announces third run for school board


Robert Zirgulis is the third candidate to join the race for the Culver City Unified School District’s Board of Education.

After careful thought, I have decided to officially announce my candidacy for Culver City School Board at the Culver City Democratic Club Wednesday, June 12 meeting at Veterans Memorial Building,” Zirgulis, a  said in a statement.  He also plans to host a yard-sale fundraiser and barbeque at his home, 4241 Baldwin Ave., Culver City, on Saturday, June 15 from 9 a.m. until till 3 p.m.

“As a board member, I will be bringing unique qualities and experiences to the Culver City Unified School District.  While working as a substitute teacher for the district since 2008, I have visited all the schools and been in contact with virtually all the students,” he said.   “In the past year I have worked extensively with ‘special needs’ students.

“In my last two runs for school board, I have learned quite a bit about the intricate workings and challenges facing the district. I will be offering innovative and positive solutions to the problems facing CCUSD,” he said.

Zirgulis says he plans to talk about what to do with the Natatorium swimming pool, the large building that stands between Farragut Elementary and Farragut Middle School. “It has been standing vacant for about 20 years,” he noted.

Board President Katherine Paspalis and board member Karlo Silbiger had previously announced their reelection plans.

“I hope to have some lively and spirited debates with the other candidates running for school board,”Zirgulais concluded