Zeidman campaign kicks off Saturday


Scott Zeidman, president of the Culver City Unified School District School Board, recently announced that he will seek another term.

In his three-plus years on the board, Zeidman was instrumental in passing Measure EE, a parcel tax, which raised $6 million for Culver City schools; instituting one of California’s first anti-bullying task forces; putting a cap on the amount of students in the middle and high schools; enforcing increased academic requirements for inter-district permit students; retaining counselors and aides; forming the Environmental Sustainability Committee and Citizens’ Oversight Committee; reforming the Community Budget Advisory Committee and preserving an open budget process with increased community involvement.

Zeidman is endorsed by all five members of the Culver City City Council, six former mayors, current board of education members Steven Gourley, Kathy Paspalis and Patricia Siever, five former Board of Education presidents, more than 30 current and former appointed officials and more than 400 others.

On Saturday, July 23, Mike “Mr. Culver City” Cohen will host the kickoff party for the Zeidman campaign. The party is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cohen’s home, 4378 Jasmine Ave., Culver City. For more information, contact Zeidman at Scott.Zeidman@laslots.com or 310-925-8207.