World-class guitarist Juber to appear at Boulevard Music



By Gary Mandell and Gary Kohatsu

First internationally recognized as lead guitarist in Beatle Paul McCartney’s band Wings (with whom he earned a Grammy award), Laurence Juber has since established himself as the world-renowned guitar virtuoso, composer, and arranger.
Juber, known to his fans as LJ, has released 25 solo albums. Fusing folk, jazz, and pop styles, two-time Grammy-winner Laurence Juber creates a multifaceted performance that belies the use of only one acoustic guitar. Voted No. 1 Guitarist by the readers of Fingerstyle Guitar Magazine, Juber offers superb arrangements of pop and classic songs.

Laurence Juber will perform at Boulevard Music from 8 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18 at 4316 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City. Tickets are $20.

The News caught up with Juber days before his Boulevard Music performance.

1) When did you start playing and writing music, and when did you start taking it seriously (playing live, recording, etc)?
I started playing at age 11. My ambition was to be a studio musician – I didn’t start composing until I became a member of Paul McCartney’s Wings when I was in my mid-20’s.

2) Who are your main influences?

As a fingerstyle guitarist, I’m in the British ‘Folk/Baroque’ tradition of Bert Jansch and John Renbourn, but that’s fused with rock, jazz, blues and classical influences.

My acoustic playing has absorbed a lot of the electric side of my career. Clapton, Hendrix, Jeff Beck Django, Les Paul…….

I could go on for a while, as the list encompasses any great player that I come across.
3) Describe your music style…


It fuses folk, jazz, blues, pop and classical, creating a multi-faceted performance that belies the use of only one instrument. 

4) Where are you based? What do you think of the local scene?


I’ve lived in Studio City since 1981. L.A. has a thriving musical scene packed with great musicians.


5) Best gig to date? And worst?


Hard question… In over 40 years of professional playing, I’ve done hundreds of shows and studio sessions.

I’m happy that I continue to have the opportunity to play guitar and entertain people.

One time, I was playing Nazareth, Pa., the hometown of Martin Guitars. A storm hit right before showtime and the large audience moved into the small church next door.

They were jammed in, with no sound system, 100-degree heat, and 100% humidity, and with no air-conditioning!

A sweaty challenge for me, but the audience loved it. When I went to change my sodden clothes after the show, I thought I’d drawn blood, but it was the dye from my shirt.

I did get blisters on my fingers!  Happily, Boulevard Music is comfortably air-conditioned….


Best gig: Playing together with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr in a studio in the South of France was a memorable moment.

Recording with half of the Beatles! That was a dream come true.


6) Do you have any albums/singles available?


I’ve released 26 albums, including three collections of Beatles arrangements.


7) Have you played Boulevard Music before? How did that connection happen? How did it go?


It’s been an annual event for at least 10 years. Always a great crowd, who are there to listen.


 8) What can we expect from your upcoming performance?


I play originals, tunes from the Great American Song Book, Beatles, Hendrix, The Who.

I cross musical genres, leave some room for improv, chat, and mystify the audience by playing multiple parts (melody, bass, rhythm) at the same time.


9) What do you have planned going forward, after this show, for 2018?


I took some time this year to cut back on travel and do some ‘woodshedding.’

The result was my new album, Touchstones, which is coming in September, Subtitled The Evolution of Fingerstyle Guitar, it’s a musical and guitaristic timeline of pieces from the Renaissance to the early 20th century.

I have a set of standards ready to record, as well as a group of original tunes in progress. In the new year, I’ll be touring with the great Scottish jazz guitarist, Martin Taylor. I’m still doing some session work, as well as working on projects with my wife Hope.