‘Why I’m endorsing Lee and Fisch’


As many may know, I have been engaged in OFS (my term for safety and protection from oil field hazards and health risks) since the  noxious 2006 oil field “Odor Events.” With the coming 2018 Culver City Council elections, I decided to take a neutral position on whom to endorse.

Fracking (my meme for all oil and gas operations’ concomitant health and safety risks) is an issue that with one oil field accident or frack job triggering a catastrophic earthquake, could seriously damage or destroy all that we hold dear – whether it be our homes, health or our very lives!

Thus I sent a letter to all four candidates inviting them to view a German (with English subtitles) documentary (The Tricks of the Oil and Gas Corporations),   which in effect exposes the same Playbook the oil companies use to confound the populace to frack whether here in Culver City and L.A. County, throughout the U.S. and abroad.  Rather than bore them with data, I asked the candidates to view the video – hoping they would note the similarities and connect to get more data.

The results speak for themselves if you study each candidate’s platform and interview them in respect to the issues we face with the nearby oil field.   For your convenience, here are the links to the candidates’ respective pages:











Alex Fisch and Daniel Lee’s detailed and well thought out platforms in respect to the clear and ever present dangers we all face living in such close proximity to fracking led me to wholeheartedly endorse (both) for Culver City Council.

Under their leadership, I know that Lee and Fisch  will not only work with the County and other communities to  lament the dangers of urban oil drilling (as per the recently released  report from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health: Public Health and Safety Risks of Oil and Gas Facilities in Los Angeles County.)

Under their leadership, Culver City will in fact set the standards for L.A. County that will truly protect us! Thus, for your own health, safety, and well-being, I urge you to vote for Alex Fisch and Daniel Lee for Culver City Council.


— Dr. Suzanne De Benedittis, PhD

Culver City