Who will step forward?


Wednesday is a new moon solar eclipse (partial) at 11 degrees Gemini. The new moon prepares us for the Gemini June Full Moon Festival of Humanity (June 15), where we will invoke the forces of reconstruction and distribute Wesak (will-to-good) blessings to humanity. The solar eclipse tells us “Oh dear, something important and essential soon disappears.”

This new moon trines Saturn (a good foundation) and joins the royal fixed star Aldebaran, Eastern watcher. Aldebaran invokes great power and riches. However, if used for personal gain with no integrity, a great fall from power occurs (past weeks’ news concerning certain powerful men).

Ceres, mother of agriculture (like Virgo), is squaring (challenge) the North node and South (present/future and past). Ceres is the despairing mother who lost her daughter (Persephone) to an unexpected withdrawal, silence/darkness. Think of Persephone today as our food supply. Ceres weeps.

During Gemini, polarity and duality are apparent so that we may, through comparisons and contrasts, clearly understand (inner causal) reality – the foundation for the new culture and civilization, based not on the old but on a vision of a new global infrastructure that supports humanity’s evolutionary unfoldment. In common words: sustainability for all. Who will step forward, Gemini (new moon) asks?

ARIES: The focus of intention and aspiration this week must be on communication (how) and values (what are they?). The two are linked. The more you value self and others, the more ability you have to think and communicate with kindness and goodwill. It would be good to consider yourself a Dalai Lama avatar. Then, you can enter the conscious reality of right relations, the core of which is compassion.

TAURUS: You deeply influence others. Are you aware of this? There’s a magnetic appeal and charm radiating from you that many are attracted to. You’re like a light in the dark; beauty within chaos. When there’s a problem, when the general state of affairs is disrupted, it’s to Taurus that all eyes turn for direction and understanding. New projects need initiating. However, before doing so, you need deep rest. Do not resist this.

GEMINI: Well, Gemini, your month has arrived. We hope for you friends and frivolity, cakes and cupcakes, games, parties and intelligent conversation to celebrate (more than one day is best) your new year. Birthdays don’t occur until we contact our protecting angels, present them with a coming-year job description of our needs, and end with gratitude for our very life. Happy birthday, Gem (jewel). Solitude and retreat in community is best.

CANCER: Some group or groups are really vital to you now. They provide the social milieu leading to opportunities where hopes, dreams and wishes can be articulated. Over time, new people may come into your life or perhaps community projects will emerge, the work of which only you can successfully do. Whatever the situation, determine your ideals (what are they?), state them and move toward them with a focus and one-pointed mind. Do not ignore friends.

LEO: You may encounter this month various aspects that include contracts, superiors, officials, parents and work responsibilities. While mingling with important people, you quietly receive recognition. All of these may come into focus one way or another. If parents are alive, be very aware of their needs. If they are no longer in physical form, recite “Ohm Mani Padme Hum” (Tibetan chant). Do not disregard orders, authority, your credit or a mountain that beckons.

VIRGO: Reality begins to occur to you in ways different than before. It’s as if the veils are removed and your vision is altered. It’s more refined. This continues (the refinement of thought). Feelings of confusion become the potential for growth within a disciplined structure (money). Be aware of the quality of your communication. Virgos talk and talk in order to make sense of their thoughts. Try a bit of reticence (quietude) with purpose. While there, have gratitude over and over.

LIBRA: I know you have many secret talents, hidden away within Libra’s smile and charm. Charm is Libra’s main characteristic. However, power is there, too, which many don’t realize or understand. For several years, this power shows itself as discipline, responsibility and a deep seriousness misunderstood as gloom (which you’re not). A restructuring of your persona is occurring. Conserving strength through relaxation heals what hurts.

SCORPIO: Who are your intimates, your allies and friends? Do you have competitors (or are you beyond that)? Are you considering a change of environment due to a shift in interests? What are others requesting of you? Do you have the strength for this or must you gather different friends and acquaintances? Through daily life demands, you find yourself seeking emotional poise. You have it. Stand tall.

SAGITTARIUS: So much work to do, so little time, so many demands, everyone depending on you for things great and small that your diet and health. The necessities of life are falling by the wayside. At times, you feel like a servant working yourself to death without reprieve. Everything must improve – from surroundings to people to daily work methods to nourishment, and so on. Stability is a central concern. It’s all around you. Let the veils fall.

CAPRICORN: What are the main objects of your affection? What calls forth your interests, creative talents and activities? What kind of romantic are you and what constitutes freedom. You are a leader. Answers to these questions are most important for your identity as leader. When you embrace them you can then better promote and strengthen the interests of others. This produces within them a love for you. Including the plants you tend. The devas (beings of light who build form) love you.

AQUARIUS: Everything for a while concerns home and family, children, foundations, property and foundations, parents and elders and nurturing things that make up your life. The foundations referred to also refer to later achievements in work. Think in practical ways that will improve all environments you find yourself in. Pay attention to what sustains, comforts and soothes. Provide these for yourself and ask this of others, too.

PISCES: You need communication that is kind and giving, contacts that sustain your need for comfort, environments inviting your knowledge and wisdom to come forth. Should you find yourself with people and places that do not provide these, you must leave them. There’s no more proving yourself, no more offering and giving of self to those who cannot see, understand, hear or receive. You’re called elsewhere.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition.

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.

Website: nightlightnews.com

Facebook (2): Risa’s Esoteric Astrology & Risa D’Angeles