When President Biden came to town

(Photo by Michelle Mayans)

By Alaina Gourley, Age 12,
KidScoop Media Correspondent

On the weekend of Dec. 8, 2023, President Biden came to Los Angeles for a campaign to re-run for president. I got to witness his arrival on Air Force One, which had a huge process that surprised me.

All the security measures you have to go through just to see President Biden arrive in Air Force One was fascinating! First, we had to drive our car to a special entryway where the security guards checked all of our information. We had to park and open all of our doors, trunk, and even the front trunk so that they could check for harmful items. After dogs sniffed inside our cars for bombs and the security guards cleared us, we parked and walked to an area behind a gate where all the news reporters and photographers were waiting.

There was so much security, that it really amazed me to know that they had to go through all these measures for the arrival of the President and his team!

Soon after, the large plane arrived. It was first a dot in the air flying toward us which eventually became a blue plane with ‘United States of America’ slowly turning to land right in front of us. It was really a sight to see! I was fascinated to see how other people came outside of Air Force One first. They seemed like reporters and security workers who came to protect the President.

Then, the President stepped out, quickly waved and walked down the stairs and began walking towards Marine One, which is his assigned helicopter. The other news reporters and staff went inside another helicopter next to it, but somehow I noticed three more helicopters arrived and all started to fly away. In the air, they did a sort of “dance” that reminds me of the cup shuffling game. I believe that they did that to make sure no one knew which one the President was in. It turned cold and windy with all the helicopters flying in the air.

For all this security, he was only there for a few seconds of time! In speaking to other reporters, we learned he flew to another airport, perhaps the Santa Monica Airport, which is closer to his event and easier to meet other California government officials. It was such a cool and unique experience to see the President and Air Force One in my hometown.

Thank you so much for reading!