Westside art group has members close and far



Independent and upstart artists looking for a little group love should check out the Pacific Art Guild. Although the group meetings are in Westchester, officials say that guild is home to artists and art lovers up and down the Los Angeles coastline.

“Some think that this is a Westchester club, but it is a Westside club with members from Palos Verdes (in the South Bay) to Santa Monica,” club Vice President Tom Supple said. There are quite a few members from Culver City. I have been a resident of Culver City for over 50 years.”

PAG members meet on the first Wednesday of the month, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Community Room, Westchester Civic Center, 7166 W. Manchester Ave., which is in the field office of Los Angeles Councilman Mike Bonin.

A typical meeting begins with a short business session, usually about 15 minutes. A demonstrating artist then has the floor for about 90 minutes, and a raffle drawing and mini-show winners are announced — each member can bring in one piece of art for the mini-show. Usually the demonstrating artist judges the mini-show, Supple said.

About twice a year, PAG schedules a daytime meeting.

Each spring, PAG hosts a juried art show.
“The next spring show will be Saturday and Sunday, April 27-28, and will consist of approximately 12 categories. Members can enter as many pieces into any or all categories,” Supple said. “They pay a nominal fee for each entry.”

For the Spring 2019 show, Supple said that all entries will be judged on Friday, April 26. On Sunday, April 28, there will be an artists reception at 4 p.m., where the awards are presented. The show is free to visitors and many of the pieces will be for sale, Supple said.

For additional information about PAG, contact Tom Supple at tomjsup@ca.rr.com