West Basin Water donates to CC Rotary for rain barrel distribution

A $1,900 check by West Basin’s Director Scott Huston of District IV, second from right, is presented to the Culver City Rotary Club. From left, are Rotarian Roger Wilson, treasurer Darrel Menthe, and Carmela Raack, club president. Photo: Wendy Taylor.

Because of its partnership with the Culver City’s Rotary Club, Scott Huston, Director of the West Basin Municipal Water District ‘s District IV, presented a $1,900 check to the Culver City Rotary Club at its Feb. 17 meeting.

The money supports Rotary’s community and worldwide service efforts. Houston also spoke to the Rotary Club membership about the importance of water conservation in times of drought.

The free rain barrel distribution to Culver City residents took place on Dec 12, 2015, was hosted by Culver Studios, and local Rotarians were on hand to provide the labor. Rotarian Darrel Menthe and a member of Culver City’s Downtown Business Association (and a principal at the Culver City law firm of Miller, Miller & Menthe) spearheaded the collaboration on behalf of the Rotary Club.

Residents had to register online to get on the list for the free barrels. They were then told where and when to pick up their free barrels at the event’s host, The Culver Studios, on Dec. 12. The South Bay Environmental Services Center was also behind this event.