Weissman kicks off re-election campaign


      Nearly 100 supporters turned out last Sunday to voice their endorsement of Culver City councilman, former mayor and longtime Culver City resident Andrew Weissman, who is seeking re-election to a seat on the council in the April, 2012 election.

      The event, held at the Culver Crest home of Michael Whitaker and Darren Au, drew supporters from a wide variety of political backgrounds and many neighborhoods in the city.

“I am grateful for the support from all of those who took time out of their busy schedules to stop by and express their support. I appreciate each and every person who has pledged to volunteer throughout the campaign,” he said.

“It was gratifying that so many people from throughout the city gave up their Sunday afternoon to let me know that they would like to see me continue working for Culver City,” Weissman said. “Over the past four years, I have worked hard to bring civility back to the council dais and, despite the economic challenges we have faced, I am proud, too, of the job we have done to keep our city on firm financial footing.”

According to the Weissman campaign, the councilman combines deep roots in Culver City (he’s a graduate of Culver City High School), decades of service to the community and a commitment to making the city better. Weissman was first elected to the City Council in 2008 and has spent time on the city’s planning, civil service, human services and parks commissions. He is a past-president of the Downtown Business Association and a member of the city’s Homelessness Ad Hoc Committee.

Weissman said he will hold his major fundraiser on Feb. 25 at The Culver Studios, but was using last Sunday’s event to celebrate the beginning of the campaign.

“This campaign isn’t about me. It’s about moving our city forward and working together to address our challenges and take advantage of the opportunities we have before us. I believe the challenge for Culver City is how to grow gracefully. How do we accommodate economic development while at the same time maintaining those qualities that make Culver City special? My goal these past four years has been to protect Culver City residents and our quality of life through a process of analyzing, questioning, balancing and in the end, making choices in the best interests of Culver City.”

Prior to serving on the City Council, Weissman chaired the city’s Charter Review Committee as well as the Yes on Measure V campaign. Measure V was approved by 56% of voters and resulted in sweeping changes to the city charter, instituting ethics provisions for the first time, replacing the chief administrator officer form of government and transitioning to a city manager model as a means of streamlining government and promoting efficiency.

“There is a difference between believing you can make a difference and actually making a difference,” Weissman said. “That is where an ability to bring people together and achieve consensus is critical. I think experience demonstrates that no single person will be able to do much alone. I believe wholeheartedly in working together, whether or not we initially stand on the same side of an issue and doing our best to make progress towards a mutually acceptable result. My role these past four years demonstrates that.”