We are the Builders


We are preparing for Aries, the first of three Spring Festivals, where we invoke from the spirit of resurrection, the forces of restoration (not of things old, used, retrogressive or completed, but the restoration of the plan on Earth).

We see the need for restoration in our world, especially the restoration of humanity understanding its spiritual task. Our world is in turmoil East and West – from wars, to protests (humanity seeking freedom), to earthquakes to radiation now circling the earth, entering our oceans, air, soil, food chain, water and milk.

We are in the heart of unprecedented transformation (Pluto in Capricorn). It is important to remind ourselves of the inner reality (reason and purpose) of these happenings. We are in transition, equi-poised between the withdrawing past age (Ray 6, Pisces) and the incoming new age (Aquarius, Rays 5 and 7). During transition times, Ray 1, the destructive force, enters our world to destroy and liberate (later to create) all obstructions limiting the new. All (outer) form, like masks, cover and protect the spiritual essence within matter. When death occurs only the outer form is destroyed. The inner spiritual essence returns to source for rest and later preparation for another, greater, more potent round of life on Earth. This is Esoteric information.

And so, as we realize we are in times of transition, when the Ray 1 force enters our world, we have choices. We can prepare for the times to come. We can relocate, form communities and farms, save seeds, tithe, put aside foods, water, seeds and medicines, etc. The present situation is not going to suddenly end one day soon. It will continue until the new culture and civilization are formed. We are its builders. (Read more at nightlightnews.com.)

ARIES: A new year begins – a new Mars cycle bringing enthusiasm, energy and eagerness to step forward into a new identity, initiating new realities that transform society, and discovering new philosophical systems for the coming times. Relationships may be on hold, you may be considering marriage or you may be separating. Whatever the situation, it’s not over yet. Remember, everything’s in review for the next three weeks.

TAURUS: Everything about you becomes a mystery. You begin to hide away, seek silence and retreat from everyone. The planets are hovering quietly in your house of Pisces, making you more sensitive, feeling ill at times, needing special minerals and vitamins to maintain health. Your well-being is most important at this time. Allow no stress in your environments. Rest more. Sing.

GEMINI: Your private messenger, Mercury, Rainbow Bridge path builder to the intuition, is retrograde for several weeks. Even though you want to communicate with others, they are unable to hear, listen, understand and/or comprehend. You will have to be a bit more charming and patient. All the planets are lined up in your house of entering community. What is your travel agenda?

CANCER: How does your head feel? Are you having headaches? Is your mind filled with so many ideas that you can’t remember much anymore? The public is watching you. What do you want to be recognized for in the world? It’s important to ask and answer this question now. What you want to be in the world is how you must act in the world. This must become your standard. You are important.

LEO: It’s really a time for you to review all past relationships. Saturn in Libra retro with Mercury retro calls for an evaluation of how you are in relationships and what structures you impose on yourself and others, which could limit a smooth flow of love. This is a very sophisticated way of thinking. Your astrology is asking, “Whom do you love? Why? Would you go to the ends of the earth for them? Why?”

VIRGO: It’s time to consider values you have in common with others – beginning with family, then intimates, friends, spiritual teachers, then humanity and the world at large. You share something with all of these. Defining this gives you self-definition, there’s a salvaging of previous resources and the discovery of new resources within yourself. Update your esoteric journal and review your daily schedule. Everything then changes.

LIBRA: All things new enter your relationships – personal, public, intimate, friends, acquaintances and even your enemies. (Enemies, you say?) New archetypes of harmony, tranquility and understanding with others are revealed. More and more, as you integrate other (everyone not yourself), you establish more identity. In what ways and with whom must you establish cooperation and objective understanding? Without this, a large part of you is missing.

SCORPIO: How is your body feeling? How is your health? Are you seeking new ways of caring for yourself? Are everyday duties so numerous that there’s a flurry of mental confusion leading to less energy? Here’s a secret: Focus on others around you, associate with them and be helpful to them (the little ones). Be sure not to hurt them in any way. You are capable of this, calling in the Law of Ancient Dominating Good.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s fun to read about the early days, when art galleries were first established in New York City. The name Leo Castelli comes to mind. He had Sag at the foundation of his astrology chart. The present Aries stellium (planets) in your house of creativity signifies art, galleries, originality, imagination, pleasure and beauty. A new book, Leo and His Circle by historian Annie Cohen-Solal would be good to read. It would soothe fears, calm your heart, bring your mind to a pleasurable rest. Then you might want to write a book review.

CAPRICORN: The issues you may be concerned with are your parents, the family and security in these transitional times. As you feel compassion for the elderly and weighing the family needs, you seek most of all the establishment of harmony – a large task, as many don’t understand harmony as you do. When anxiety is prominent, go to the garden (even if it’s a clay pot of basil). Nature soothes, loves and gives. In the meantime, think miso, seaweed and daikon (grow it).

AQUARIUS: It’s an important time to speak with brothers and sisters, relatives, neighbors and kinfolk, making contact, catching up and communicating. It’s important to watch the news, all types, for the pulse of your town, state, nation and the world, changing in the blink of an eye. It’s important to always be the observer so you can sense which direction to move next. The times are a’ changing. Aquarians must lead others part of the way.

PISCES: There’s been emphasis on finances. During this review time, put all monies, finances, investments, etc. in order. If taxes aren’t filed, ask for an extension. It’s also important to find, tend to and protect important papers. All matter is moving into a state of confusion. Create organization and order. Although not perceived by others, Pisces is very capable of maintaining and upholding efficiency, precision and neatness in the midst of chaos.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition.

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.

Web site: nightlightnews.com

Facebook (2): Risa’s Esoteric Astrology & Risa D’Angeles