Watch as the votes are tallied



The City will be broadcasting live from the City Council Chambers where the VBM ballots received and verified to date will be counted shortly after 8:00 PM.  Votes cast at the polls will begin to arrive for counting generally after 9:00 PM (but sometimes we can have them begin arriving as quickly as 8:30!).  The Council Chamber doors will be unlocked at 7:30 PM.  All members of the public are welcome to join in the ceremony and festivities as we count the votes tonight!

If you are unable to join us in person, the City will also be live broadcasting (on CCTV 35), streaming the audio/video on the web, and posting delayed tallies.  You can access the web broadcast and delayed uploaded tallies at the above link.


And, if you have not yet voted, you can get more election information, including your polling place, by clicking on the above link.