Wake up, Culver City homeowners!


The city council has managed to put a measure on the ballot that would unfairly charge Culver City Homeowners 5 times and sometimes even more than what we are currently paying!!! It’s Measure RE, and it is regarding the transfer tax at the time of sale. Currently, we pay $5.60 per thousand, with $1.10 going to the county and $4.50 to Culver City. So, now on a sale of $1,500,000, the transfer tax amount at close of escrow would be $8,400. If this measure passes, it would be $25,150!!!

It’s disgraceful that the council is trying to slip this through without the Homeowners even being aware of it in most cases. Even more disappointing is that the Democratic Club is supporting it. I called the President of the Democratic Club to ask him why he would support a measure that would do such financial damage to a Homeowner. Here was his answer…he hung up on me!

Please show the council that you are on to their sneaky scheme to rip us off. Send the message loud and clear that you don’t want their greedy hands on your equity. Vote No on Measure RE.

— Karen Dolce

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