Volunteer honored for passion, commitment to service

Photo Courtesy of Sharon Hyland-Elstein: Elstein realized that he and his wife Sharon are lucky to have everything they need and perhaps it was time give back to the community.

Stephen Elstein stands tall in our community as a Senior who exemplifies the true spirit of volunteerism and he is being recognized by the Culver City Senior Center for his dedication to service in his community.  Helping others has been a “way of life “ for Steve since he retired 12 years ago.  In addition, he fits perfectly with this year’s theme for the Older Americans Award, “Safe Today, Healthy Tomorrow.”

Elstein reports that when he retired, he didn’t know what to do with himself.  Elstein realized that he and his wife Sharon are lucky to have everything they need and perhaps it was time give back to the community.  His first volunteer job was teaching literacy at the Culver City night school for two years. He then signed on to help out with the Culver City Meals on Wheels program and started delivering meals five days a week. He also joined the Culver City Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), becoming very involved and was soon on the Board as the fundraising chairman.  Steve also started delivering meals for the Culver City Senior Center and is proud of how he helped to improve and streamline some of the procedures.  Several years later, he became aware of the S.A.V.E.S. food bank program in Culver City and helped them every Friday.

Then came Hurricane Katrina.  Elstein and his wife volunteered at the Red Cross office on Wilshire Blvd. five days a week to help people who were being sent to California from Louisiana, also helping prepare meals for them.  From this experience, Steve has motivated to become very involved with the Red Cross.  He took some courses, enrolled in their Disaster Action Team and was certified to help get the team together whenever people are in need of immediate services, such as lodging, food, clothing, etc. during a disaster.   These days, in addition to delivering the Home Delivery meals for the Senior Center Nutrition program, Steve volunteers nearly full time for the Red Cross.  He has been an active and dedicated volunteer for over eight years and has been promoted to one of only five logistics leads in the Los Angeles Region, which covers the Antelope Valley to Long Beach to Inyo County.  He is proud to say he is the oldest person on the team and loves what he does.  Steve is very proud that he is able to help other people in need and is able to fulfill his wish to give back to his community.  The community of Culver City is proud to honor him as our “Senior of the Year”   recognizing his generous contributions to the wellness and safety of our citizens.

Steve received a Commendation from the City Council on May 12 and was honored at the Older Americans Month Celebration at the Senior Center on May 23.  The 49th Annual Older Americans Recognition Day Awards Program for the Supervisorial Districts 1, 2, 3, & 5 was held at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at The Music Center on Tuesday, May 27 where Elstein was also a distinguished honoree recognized by the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County.