Volleyball clinics for youth


Former Culver City High School basketball and volleyball coach Marty Siegal and his son, Tanner, a former Centaur All-League volleyball player, will lead the annual Culver Volleyball Club clinic for fourth through 12th graders in weekly sessions starting July 18.

Fees are $135-150 a session for the daily 3-4 hour workouts at the Culver City Middle School and High School gyms.

Skill and age level increase each week starting with beginning and intermediate intended for players with little or no experience, intermediate and advanced intended for players varying in experience and middle school & high school players, covering more advanced transition skills.

Contact Marty Siegal, 310-488-6811, John Van Deventer, 310-722-4459, or Tanner Siegal, 310-916-3971, for more information. Website is www.culvervbc.com.