Voice your concerns on the future of Oil and Gas drilling


Neighbors, are you concerned about the Oil Fields in Culver City’s backyard? Have you considered the potential health and environmental impact of the toxins that are being released?  Or the potential for a major accident? Voice your concerns.

The City is accepting written comments on a draft Environmental Impact Report (dEIR) and specific plan which (once finalized) will regulate future Oil and Gas drilling within City limits.

Please come with your friends and neighbors to Grace Lutheran Church 4427 Overland Ave. CC 90230 on Sunday afternoon, March 11, between 3 and 5 p.m., and bring a pen. Resources will be available to support comment writing.  Written comments from the public are due to the City by March 14, 5:30 p.m.

Additional information on the Oilfield, the draft EIR, Specific Plans, and instructions on submitting written comments to the city are available atwww.CulverCity.org/InglewoodOilField.

?Terry Silberman, DrPH

Culver City resident since 1993