Uranus enters Aries – revolution, all things new


Risa’s class in the Heart of the Dove. There are still openings in the class, March 14-18. Consider joining us, everyone.

The most significant news among astrologers is that of Uranus entering Aries on Friday, March 11, 4:49 p.m. (PST). Uranus is revolution, freedom, liberation, new archetypes (patterns) and new rhythms. Uranus rules (oversees) the Aquarian Age (and technology). Aries initiates all things new. Aries is the first sign, the new life emerging. Aries is impatient, action oriented, cardinal, fire, the spirit of life entering the template of form and matter. Together, they build and create the new Aquarian culture and civilization. What cannot be part of the new era will begin to vanish. Uranus and Aries together form the new education for the Aquarian Age.

Uranus transcends limitations, disrupts and suddenly shifts perspectives. Uranus is a lightning bolt, the fire of heaven (which Prometheus captured). It generates deep insight, imagination, intuition and electrical currents (the “waters of life poured forth for thirsty humanity”). Uranus envisions the future. It is scientific. It challenges, creates rebellion and the needed revolution that banishes the old and brings forth the new. As Uranus distributes Aries for the next seven years, a new state of creativity, perceptions, the new world religion and a new story appear on Earth. It will be a “brave new world,” one that the trinity (humanity, the New Group of World Servers, and the devas/angelic builders) must create together. We will need courage, cooperation and community to withstand the new electrical rhythm, the waters of life poured forth for thirsty humanity. We will build this brave new world. Uranus, Aries and Aquarius will show us the way. (Read more at nightlightnews.com and Risa’s Esoteric Astrology FB page.)

ARIES: Wow. You (Aries, the sign) are the target, repository, fiery field, recipient and beneficiary, receiving instructions directly from God (Uranus) that everything must change. You’re initiator, designer, architect and inventor, leading the other eleven signs in building cooperation. This is an interesting task since cooperation isn’t your specialty. However, since you’re the leader, you will learn. Call upon Uranus for help. Keywords: monumental change.

TAURUS: So much is being released from your body, emotions and mind. Perhaps you’re having headaches. There’s a new path to be walked upon. The previous one is fast disappearing. All that you’ve done up to this time is preparatory. A deeper spiritual reality appears through dreams, study and contemplation – a new journey to new lands, too. This will take time. You will be changed profoundly. Keywords: saving the world.

GEMINI: Let’s see, what shall I say this week? Always the same theme? You are to meet new people, enter a new group and social network. These people are unusual. They meet your needs for spiritual depth, esoteric and astrology study. A place has been prepared for you. All that you have known now feels limiting, dull, stodgy (an old word), uninspiring, without humor and tedious. Yes? What do you need to come forth? Keywords: esoteric group.

CANCER: In the coming years, beginning now, new gifts, talents, abilities and achievements begin to appear, slowly at first, and then pouring in like a summer rainfall. You discover yourself and feel freedom for the first time, seek freedom for others because now you understand what it was like to not be free – from emotional obstacles, beliefs and thought-forms you thought were real. All that is old disappears. You stand revealed. Keyword: talents.

LEO: Many and various events cross your path, creating adventures, new goals and a new spiritual and/or religious state. You may travel far and wide, consider dual citizenship, and study alien life forms. Everything foreign (different) and cultural becomes your focus. Study unexpectedly begins, ends and shifts dimensions. Are you to found a college, a publishing house, an animal sanctuary? Keywords: Perception radicalizes.

VIRGO: Pay close attention in the coming years. Everything concerning money, resources, inheritances, wills and taxes alters. You will learn many things, enter new territories and new dimensions. You will learn how to value, safeguard and cherish what you have. You will transform, rise up like a phoenix and soar like an eagle, who mates for life. So much uncertainty at first, later leads to new and greater intimacy. Keyword: experimentation.

LIBRA: An interesting new energy will enter your relationships. You will learn to identify, live with and be at ease with these changes. You will realize that difference creates change, and change allows everything to thrive. You will cultivate change in your relationships by introducing new and exciting ideas, plans and ways of living different than what most think possible. You will initiate the idea that all minds are created equal. This in itself is revolutionary. Keywords: cultivation, as in a garden.

SCORPIO: You will realize that all relationships must have freedom and equality at their center. You will not tolerate anything that creates a hierarchy of power-over or dominance in any part of your life. In your workday world, you will become free of restrictions. Daily routines unravel, your diet and exercise change to meet your body’s new health needs. Locations and work change. Nothing stays the same. Keyword: finally.

SAGITTARIUS: What changes for you? Creative self-expression, what you consider fun, playfulness and spontaneity. You become the shining example of all things new. Many will embrace your emerging true self. Others will be disturbed. As you become more and more out-of-the-ordinary, your creativity increases. There could be unexpected love affairs (they come and go), a pregnancy (real or metaphor) and/or a risk-taking windfall. You become a protector of children (child within). You’ll feel you have it all. Keyword: uninhibited.

CAPRICORN: Your domestic situation and/or routines will begin to change. You may move to a new location, completely redo or rearrange the layout of your home. Someone may come to live with you, someone may move out. Be sure, by working on this daily with family, that communication is kept open and that sharing occurs regularly. You will be the only one who can initiate this. As foundations change, the family changes. Keywords: contact (communication) releases love.

AQUARIUS: What was written for Aries applies also to you but in a different light and context. You, along with Gemini, are responsible for the distribution of ideas that become ideas within the minds and hearts of humanity (the masses). You are responsible for exposing the new concepts that create the new era through writing, publishing, art and the art of conversation. You are to make the “contacts that release the love that underlies all happenings.” Keywords: conscious intention.

PISCES: Your values and sense of self-worth, resources, assets, finances and possessions shift unexpectedly and fluctuate radically until they reach a balance and equilibrium. Your skills increase, your wounds heal, recognition occurs and brilliance from the Raincloud of Knowable Things becomes available. The magnetic center is revealed. The rollercoaster stops. Keywords: “Build it (in the mansion and on the Internet). They will come.”


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.

Web site: nightlightnews.com

Facebook (2): Risa’s Esoteric Astrology & Risa D’Angeles