Up and running


            Julian Myers’ is producing “Hopper’s Nighthawks: 90 Minutes and Nine Lives,” his first movie. He is also competed in thirteen events in St. George, Utah from Oct. 3 to the 5th. There’s one catch – the competition is the Huntsman World Senior Meet, and Myers is 93.

            “Sixth consecutive year in this meet,” says Myers, “but first time I’ll get a movie made after 73 years of trying.” He graduated from USC Cinema in 1939, and is an alumnus of Colombia Pictures’ Story Department.

            The senior wrote “Hopper’s Nighthawks” with his producer partner, Arlene Clendenin. The film will dramatize the conflict between Hopper and his wife, artist Josephine, as he reveals “Nighthawks,” his now-famous painting. The movie is set in 1942, while America is plunged into World War II and relationships everywhere are also exploding. It will be filmed in six days, on a budget of $40,000. Myers and Clendenin are looking for one financier to co-produce with them.

            “Last year I won eleven metals in the track meet,” says Myers, “but now that I’m younger maybe I’ll win more this time – and display them at the premiere of ‘Hopper’s Nighthawks.’”