Two sides of the coin: Upzoning R1 Neighborhoods


The latest proposal to Culver City residents is the loss of R-1 zones, to be replaced by multi-unit dwellings.  This is billed as affordable, inclusionary housing.  

Construction of additional units will not change any perceived exclusionary policies.

I am proud and happy to say that we all enjoy a multi-racial neighborhood.  Name the ethnicity, we have it.  Existing homes and multi-unit buildings are available to anyone who can afford the competitive pricing.

  • Building more units will negatively impact quality of life in Culver City.  Namely:
  • Existing sewers are already overloaded and will need replacing
  • Police and Fire will need more personnel to handle more residents
  • Roadways are already overcrowded and will be nearly impassable
  • Schools will be impacted and need more staff
  • Studies have shown that impacted living conditions contribute to increased medical/mental health concerns
  • City services will have to expand to include new buildings for personnel
  • City parks cannot tolerate an increased population 
  • Water and Electricity supplies are insufficient to support more population without rebuilding infrastructure
  • People will be forced to travel to work as there are not enough jobs in Culver City to accommodate an increased population – more cars                     
  • Auto parking will be an issue on already over-crowded streets
  • Citizens of Culver City will see increased taxes and utility bills to pay for needed improvements           

The other side of the coin is my wallet.  I stand to make a boatload of money from my 9,000 sq. ft. residential property.  A contractor would be more than happy to pay a premium price for this land.  

Think of how many units are possible.  Easily four, two up, two down.  But given the premium price plus the cost of construction, overall cost to the consumer will reflect prices on the west side of Los Angeles and we are back to square one.  Rents and condo costs will reflect location.

So, let’s make this another Westwood and I’ll move to Montana.

— Peter Stern

Culver City

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