Treat your guests to a terrific trifle

10 MINUTES OF HEAVEN—This easy and elegant Ten-Minute Trifle makes a great dessert, especially for berry lovers.

(NAPS)—This elegant Swedish Ten-Minute Trifle makes a great dessert, especially for berry lovers. Sweden, home of the smorgasbord, a tempting spread of sweet and savory dishes, is a rich source of healthy, delicious, special occasion recipes for home entertaining.

One of their secrets: Sweden’s forests are full of tart-sweet lingonberries, picked and served with everything from waffles and pastry to Swedish meatballs. The lingonberry was featured on “The Dr. Oz Show” as a “superberry,” loaded with antioxidants and bursting with juicy flavor.

The next time the party’s at your place, take a tip from Swedish home cooks: You can serve lingonberry jam with ham or turkey instead of cranberry sauce, or use it as a topping on pancakes or waffles for a festive brunch.

For a quick and delectable dessert your guests will love, try this Ten-Minute Trifle from the makers of Felix Lingonberry jam —it’s a fresh take on an all-time classic.

Ten-Minute Trifle

8–10 ginger biscuits
(or biscuits of your own choice), crushed

    2?3 cup Felix Lingonberries

     1 cup whipping cream, whipped

     1 teaspoon vanilla sugar


Crumble some ginger biscuits, putting half in the bottom of a glass. Whip cream together with vanilla sugar. On top of the biscuit crumbs, add a layer of lingonberries, then a layer of whipped cream. Repeat, finishing with a layer of cream. You can also mix the cream with the berries.

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