By Gary Luster
The National Rifle Association’s Members Councils of California Westside Los Angeles held their monthly meeting at the Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium in Culver City Dec. 13 and one of the highlights — Christmas gifts.
Because of the holiday season, this month’s meeting featured a toy drive for the local Toys for Tots. Attendees who brought an unwrapped toy were entered in a raffle where prizes ranged from hats to various firearm accessories.
Council President Rick Shigio led the meeting which centered on a discussion of numerous state bills including AB 3199 which would authorize a charitable organization to conduct no more than three auctions, raffles, or similar events per year in which firearms, other than handguns, may be auctioned, raffled, or otherwise sold, and would require those firearms to be transferred to a licensed dealer to process the transfer pursuant to all legal requirements, including a background check and waiting period.
Also under discussion was a recent Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision to affirm a federal judge’s order barring California from enforcing a voter-approved ban on high-capacity gun magazines.
Volunteers and activists from the NRA Members’ Councils of California participate in grassroots efforts that promote the programs, policies, and objectives of the National Rifle Association.
Some of the duties of NRA Council officers and volunteers include hosting programs like Women on Target instructional shooting clinics as well as voter registration efforts.
The Council is also involved in educating gun owners about pending legislation, hosting legal clinics with NRA attorneys, organizing NRA membership drives at gun shows, and heading up monthly Members’ Council meetings all over the State of California.
The next meeting of the National Rifle Association’s Members Councils of California Westside Los Angeles will be held on Jan. 10. The meeting site has yet to be determined.
Officers of the NRA Members’ Council of Westside Los Angeles display the unwrapped toys they collected for the Toys for Tots toy drive. From left, are Council Secretary Keith Kawamoto, Council President Rick Shigio, Council Vice President Pat Welsh and Council Treasurer Michael Russell.
Why are you promoting the NRA?
And a TOY DRIVE!!!!
This is sickening.