Throw your dog a bone, get it licensed


Culver City residents interested in licensing a dog can now go to and download an application. All dog-licensing in the city is handled by PetData, and any dog can be licensed directly through Licensing requires a spay/neuter certificate (in some cases, a dog will not need to be spayed or neutered); proof that the dog has been vaccinated for rabies; and proof that the dog has been micro-chipped. The fee for the annual license is $25.

            The license provides an easier way for authorities and others to identify lost dogs. Revenue from the licensing fee supports Culver City’s services.

            Regular vaccination clinics are hosted Centinela Feed and Pet Store, 5299 Sepulveda Blvd., which can be reached at (310) 572-6107. Information and forms are available at the store. For a list of clinic dates, go to Centinela Dog licensing information is also available at PetSmart, in the Pavilions shopping center, as well as local veterinarian clinics, groomers and other pet stores.

            For more information, contact Friends of Culver City Animals at (888) 8898 or