“Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take?”


Everyone knows or should know that our sciences (and thus humanity’s life force) have been thwarted, hindered and obstructed, taken over (appropriated) by the forces of materialism, especially since Tesla’s time.

Friday, Nov. 11 (11/11/11), “Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take,” Kimberly and Foster Gamble’s film premieres worldwide on the Internet in 10 languages. Look for it. Unveiled in the film are truths (physics of life) we sense and aspire toward yet have accepted as unattainable. The information in “Thrive” shifts humanity, polarized in unknowingness, into the light of knowledge. The sensed beauty of our world becomes a reality. This information in “Thrive” forms the foundation of our new culture and civilization.

In ancient Atlantean times, when gods lived on Earth, the Hierarchy (great teachers, overseers of Earth) gave instinctual, non-thinking (the mind was not developed) humanity various inventions that allowed for the building of great cities and beautiful buildings (remnants exist today), temples, air machines, knowledge of sanitation, hygiene, foods, etc. Developed under the wise guidance of the Hierarchy, humanity thought of these inventions as magic. The initiates and adepts (levels within Hierarchy) employed their knowledge of the nature of matter and energy (physics), which today we would call scientific discovery. This physics (nature of energy) was a gift to humanity.

Eventually a crisis precipitated the flooding of the world – resulting from a clash between the forces of darkness/materialism and the forces of light (Hierarchy). Humanity, in between, perished, with a few who carried the light entering Noah’s ark.

Today, we are once more at this crisis point (a higher level of the spiral). As humanity is more awakened and knowledgeable (through education), the physics given in ancient Atlantis is again revealed. It is the new ark for humanity, ending the ancient cleavage between spirit and matter (they are one) and the illusion of materiality. The film’s release is timely. It comes in a Gemini (disperse the truth) moon (to the masses), Neptune (film) direct (revealing the hidden divinity of our world). This film also informs us that Earth is the Garden of Eden where, always, we were meant to thrive.

ARIES: Your passionate love nature has perhaps experienced a few setbacks or separations; or a coldness has come over your relationships, which is best thought of as introducing practicality in relationships. Or perhaps you’re thinking of marriage and commitment. Allow certainty to guide you so impulsiveness doesn’t prevail. Travels, journeys, study and justice are part of all decisions.

TAURUS: It’s important to have physical closeness at this time with someone, even a special pet. Your love nature needs a bit of care so Venus doesn’t feel left out. Venus watches over you, providing a sense of intelligent well-being. Without love, you can droop a bit, feeling out of contact. Money should come your way or resources that you appreciate. Look at art.

GEMINI: None of your friends or partners considers life with you boring. You’re the twins (two in one) of the zodiac. The purpose of your dual nature is to provide two realities to humanity, a sense of polarity of this and that, so humanity can observe two sides of all issues. So few realize your function and gift. Do you? It’s foundational to intelligence.

CANCER: Tending and caring for the well-being of everyone is your task due to your extreme sensitivity toward humanity and the life process. Sometimes, you overlook yourself, believing others are equally nurturing (or should be, you think). This isn’t astrological reality. Each sign has a different task to accomplish. Can you begin to nurture yourself? It’s most important.

LEO: You are either a knight or a Joan of Arc, a king or a queen, a savior and a server. Lion or lioness, you’re able to captivate the hearts and minds of everyone, shower others with intense love while needing complete attention in return. In between these dramatic interludes, tend carefully to money and resources, saving for a later time of unusual need. Chiron soon enters your house of resources with others.

VIRGO: On the surface, you seem quiet, poised, calm, collected and rather cool. Inside you’re a vessel of passion; love runs deep and, like Taurus, you’re very loyal to those you love, even after death. Here is a rule for Virgos: Never criticize, never compare, always praise. We become what we praise. That’s a new mantram of reality.

LIBRA: You love being with others. You love a crowd of humanity working together. You love beauty, recognizing it (or its lack) everywhere. As we journey through relationships, we learn how to be in them. We learn to discern outer beauty from inner, true intelligence from glamour, true love from false. Libra functions within relationships in order to learn about them. What is your present learning curve?

SCORPIO: Soon, you’ll have Saturn entering your sign (of the disciple). Saturn is the Dweller on the Threshold, the purveyor of tests to determine how strong you’ve become in the last seven years. Saturn will lessen the intensity of emotions. You’ll be less consumed by passions and more directed toward developing the mind. You’re increasing in balance and poise now.

SAGITTARIUS: Your extreme idealizations can sometimes create havoc with life’s realities, filled with paradoxes and emotional vicissitudes. You see the potential for goodness in everyone. In relationships, you believe all needs will be met. You gaze at the stars; you have faith and practice positive thinking. For greater real happiness, here’s a newer mantram (which I told Virgo). “We become what we praise.” It’s a new position.

CAPRICORN: You display deep constancy and dependability and when loving someone, you’re there forever. Within all this reliability, steadiness and fidelity, there’s a spontaneous creature (you) seeking creative self-expression. Your true nature is artistic, imaginative and inventive. Often, being quiet and subdued as you traditionally are, others don’t recognize your true light. Over time, this will change as the spotlight swings toward your accomplishments.

AQUARIUS: You will look at your work in the world and wonder at its connectivity with others. This connection with humanity is your life’s purpose. You know that contact releases love. Often, we find you alone in an endeavor you have created. Always you must have freedom of movement and choice. Always, you need friends around. Be very vigilant and alert with finances. Be responsible with them.

PISCES: You have empathy and compassion. Often, you see the potential in others and feel it’s your responsibility to bring that potential forward. Sometimes, you take lovers (or friends) who are potentials. After a time, you become disappointed. You realized the potential, not the reality. You turn away. Your watery sign hovers around Neptune and Chiron. Anything held out to you dissolves. You stand alone. Here you grow.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom school

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.

Website: nightlightnews.com

Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology & Risa D’Angeles