The New Year – Tracking the New Era Community


Esoteric Astrology as news for week Jan. 3-9, 2013

The New Year – Tracking the New Era Community

Well here we are in the new year of 2013. We survived the end of 2012. We’re shifting into the new Aquarian Age. We now must become “trackers” and builders of the new culture and civilization, creating the new Era Community.

Pluto and Venus in Capricorn will help us as will the Capricorn new moon, the first of 2013 occurring early morning Friday (21 degrees). The “Gate” to the New World opens up for us.

The stars’ instructive New Year message for humanity seeking to create the New World…transform all ways of living; apply the new physics unlocking new technolog; help each other; cultivate illumined minds; not be distracted by continued materialism; ask Mercury (Hermes, planet of direction) for help; follow the stars (learning their significance); apply all impressions received during Festival week.

We are to stop all previous commerce and ways of being. Have courage. Create community. Observe without prejudice the course of world events. See in them the hands of the inner spiritual government. The time has come for the turn in Evolution. The forces for this have been gathered and brought together. The stars and heavens support the New World. They do not support the old. Ask, “Where do I stand?”

We are to apply our best efforts. In this labor of creation the Great Ones greet us. We become “seeders of the New World and the Common Good. The sound of distance universes reach out to us, awakening Light consciousness, pointing to the Path to be followed. It summons us to the cries of those in need. We are called to service (Aquarian Age task).

Blessed with knowledge and with each other, let us realize the time is now. Let us begin our labors. Creating the New World. These are the words of the New Year, 2013, a year of gathering and working in harmony together. We enter the Flame.

ARIES: So much change is occurring its even surprising you with a complete reorientation of your public image and work in the world. Hang on. This is a long ride. Allow no control issues to limit your freedom. You will be confronted with issues of power and control – yours and others. Learning how to recognize power over or power with? Maintain poise. Balance yourself.

TAURUS: The past is present and continues to be. You may have objects and articles from family, years and years that need assessing. Giving much away is best. Lest you become limited in movement and travel. A clear well-lighted environment is best. Minimal and clean is better. “Let the sun shine in.” So your creative talents, to flourish, are not hidden by the past.

GEMINI: You will feel you’re wearing a lucky charm, a four-leaf clover, a talisman of fortune this year. You will have more choice than usual. It’s as if you had been reciting the “Gayatri,” an ancient Hindu prayer that brings expansion and increase. Work may be a challenging. Something disappears, something hurts. Turn toward what is dear to your heart. You must define it this year.

CANCER: Unusual and innovative studies will be of interest and as you learn you will teach. Do not withhold information with those close to you. Do not have the glamour of thinking everything’s personal. If you withhold you will be seen as someone who has secrets and thus untrustworthy. New responsibilities arise with family and children. Conserve your energy and strength. Garden most of the time. Nature is the body of God.

LEO: Home feels like a restriction with responsibilities making you unable to leave. You want freedom to come and go, travel, move about, change patterns and experience new environments, cultures, arts and people. You also might seek to study. However, you feel held back by tasks and promises. Weekly massages or another healing modality eases restrictions. And inwardly offering forgiveness.

VIRGO: You become more visible. Sometimes visibility and recognition are offered, but we must demur (be reluctant) for spotlights can become too bright. It’s important to bring forth creative skills still hidden within. It’s also important to care for any vehicles – check-ups, insurance, registration, new tires. Things that make you safe and law-abiding. Careful with communication. Offer kindness.

LIBRA: Those close to you, intimates especially, will be experiencing change in their lives. They look to you for support and stability. Maintain balance and poise in the coming year, allowing those who depend upon you to experience your wisdom, reliability and sensitiveness. You will have much to experience yourself. Surprising things – travel, study, spiritual encounters and reconciliation within the heart.

SCORPIO: Tend to you hearth and health in the coming months. Keep warm and dry. Exercise daily so your well-being can be balanced and in harmony. Professionally things may feel haywire, with strange behaviors from co-workers. When the new energies come into the world, people react and respond differently. Whatever you say to others is heard and listened to. When speaking, remember the virtues.

SAGITTARIUS: These things you will experience – a new identity, profound understanding about finances, a bit of passion, intensity in communication, family wounds revealed and then disappearing, a topsy-turvy sense of creativity, integration and a deepening of spirituality. These are some of the events you can look forward to. Preserve your energies and seek only the truth in all matter. Sag is the sign of Truth.

CAPRICORN: You’re encountering deep and profound life events. Pluto has taken up residence in your life. You experience intense feelings, emotional responses more profound than most can imagine. Allows these. Know they will pass. Your life is changing inside and out. You will be called to work in the world when the world is ready for you. It’s preparing. Know you always do your very best. Place those words in your heart.

AQUARIUS: The coming months bring an increase of inner strength. The last year felt vulnerable. You will continue to experience changes reflecting your past. Focus upon building a new foundation that includes a spiritual practice, participating in like-minded groups (who think like you), and honing professional skills in your work world. Careful with finances. They may slip away. Take Aconite if you feel like lightning has hit you.

PISCES: In your personal life, be very careful with resources. Do not overdo with money or with energy. You need regular exercise, especially swimming. A natural pool or salt-water pool is best. Visualize this available to you. You offer to the world ways of seeing different from the norm. You offer inspiration and information that helps heal the world. There is more to come that you will offer the world. Something wonderful happens with family. A new harmony. A new light shining.


Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey books


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