The End to Single-Family Zoning in Culver City?


On Monday, May 10, the Culver City Council voted 3-2 to put on the June 14 agenda a discussion to eliminate R1/single-family home zoning. 

This was in response to an organized group that incorrectly believes eliminating single-family zoning will create affordable housing and help alleviate racial inequity in Culver City. 

Their plan would allow developers and land speculators to build up to four units (or more?) on almost any single-family home lot.

There is an affordable housing crisis, no doubt. However, single-family homes are not the cause. We can preserve single-family homes as well as support and build affordable and equitable housing for all. 

Many housing experts, tenant unions, and community-based activists, express concern that eliminating single-family zoning (upzoning) will bring in more wealthy tenants and homeowners.  

Builders with deep pockets could buy a single-family lot, build a 4-plex and offer them at the highest amount possible. 

These housing experts say this pro-developer scenario would incentivize the elimination of our current affordable housing stock (older R1 homes and ADUs) leaving behind current residents and the people in our community who need the most help. This plan does not guarantee affordable or low-income housing.

There are effective and creative solutions to our affordable housing crisis: incentives for owners of low-and-moderate-income housing to make rent affordable; multi-use housing/retail/office/restaurant space along commercial corridors; developing commercial/industrial and underutilized spaces; focusing on under-served areas in our city, and promoting the allowed building of up to two ADUs on all single-family lots.

You still have a short time to spread the word and express your opinions.

One: Complete the City’s Land Use Survey and use the space at the end to type in your thoughts about abolishing single-family zoning. (

Two: Write a letter/email to our City

Three: Attend the June 14 City Council meeting and tell Council in-person/virtually. (

City Council must pause. Too many constituents are unaware of the big decisions being made. They must take the conversation to the residents by: hosting meetings in neighborhoods and community centers; notifying our community with mailings, postcards, door flyers, etc. 

We need true community collaboration to solve the real problem – the urgent need for effective funding strategies to help provide affordable, safe housing for people who want to live here.  

We can build on our vibrant community and help shape it into the inclusive, diverse, and welcoming city we want it to be. Together, we must try to solve the crisis with compassion, humanity, and facts.

Let’s slow down and do this right.

— Culver City Neighbors United

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