Thanksgiving food and toy drive underway for special needs children



Families, businesses and individuals alike are encouraged to participate in a local food drive and toy collection which will benefit children and their families at Exceptional Children’s Foundation in Culver City.

The costs involved in meeting the needs of a child who has a disability can be more than many families can afford. Necessary medical intervention or therapies such as speech, physical, occupational or behavior therapies in addition to missed work or time off to take children to appointments can cut into a family’s budget affecting their ability to put food on the table.

Items such as rice, soup broth, juices, pasta and sauces, dried beans and a variety of canned goods are some of the popular nonperishable foods needed for the Thanksgiving food drive. Goods can be delivered to Exceptional Children’s Foundation at 5350 Machado Road in Culver City up to Nov. 16. Cash donations are also being accepted.

Providing much-needed toys, books, clothing and other essentials to a special needs child can contribute to their well-being and add a bit a of joy this holiday season by easing the burden of a financially stressed family.

Exceptional Children’s Foundation is inviting the public to contribute to a special needs child. Toys need to be new and unwrapped. Some examples of much-needed toys include stacking and stringing toys, toy strollers, and soft sensory books. Other items needed are; socks, baby wipes, diapers, and pajamas with feet for toddlers in child sizes 2-5.

Dec. 7 is the last day toys will be accepted for ages 0-3 years.

Items needed for K-12 aged students will be accepted until Friday, December 14.  Needs for this age group include remote control cars, art sets, stuffed animals, backpacks, headphones/earbuds and magnetic connect games.

Toys should be delivered to Exceptional children’s Foundation Headquarters at 5350 Machado Road in Culver City.

To be matched with a family a receive a list with details of gifts please contact Lisa Kelly at 310-773-9437. For additional information, please visit