On Wednesday, June 23, The Culver City Council will consider eliminating “R1,” otherwise known as single-family home zoning. This “upzoning” scheme was in response to an organized group and some council members who incorrectly maintain that eliminating single-family zoning will create affordable housing and help alleviate racial inequity in Culver City.
Their plan would allow developers and land speculators to build multiplexes on almost any single-family home lot. This plan offers no guarantees that any of the new housing will be affordable.
There is an affordable housing crisis, no doubt. However, single-family homes are not the cause. Housing experts and builders agree that under the upzoning scenario, developers who buy an R1 lot will not build affordable housing on that lot.
They will build larger houses or up to 4, 6 or 8 units that will rent for top dollar. It will be the beginning of the end of single-family neighborhoods.
The state mandates that Culver City has a plan to add additional housing by 2029. Most of that plan is supposed to be for affordable housing. Eliminating R1 zoning will not create affordable housing. It will just create more housing.
Is this the first time you’ve heard about this? You’re not alone. Culver City has not done adequate outreach to let you know what might happen to your neighborhood. This is not okay.
Our council members made community involvement and transparency key tenets of their campaigns. Why then, are they not making sure that every resident in Culver City is informed about this important issue that will affect our entire city forever?
We demand that City Council takes no action to change R1 zoning. In addition, before any further action affecting any zoning changes occur, Council and the City must provide all of the following:
- Adequate notice to all residents in affected areas, including postcard campaign.
- Scheduled meetings, workshops, and listening sessions in neighborhoods and community centers to provide clear explanations and the ramifications of changes.
- Fact-based proof that eliminating R1 zoning will increase affordable housing, including evidence from other localities that have implemented such changes.
- Due diligence by staff and Ciy Council to collect evidence of recent or current instances of restrictive and inequitable actions affecting zoning, mortgages, and/or banking occurring in Culver City
- Verifiable calculations of the impact on city infrastructure of any suggested zoning changes including sewer, water, electricity, parking, schools, and traffic.
Solving our affordable housing crisis requires thoughtful, effective, and community-building solutions. Let’s preserve single-family homes and support paths to affordable and equitable housing for all.
Get informed, speak up, and be heard!
Register and speak at the Planning Commission/Culver City Council Meeting Wednesday, June 23, 7pm: culvercity.org/City-Hall/Meetings-Agendas
Email council members: city.council@culvercity.org; city.clerk@culvercity.org
Sign our petition: CulverCityNeighborsUnited.org
— Culver City Neighbors United
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