Teen stabbed at Culver Carnival

(Tex Texin)

An 18–year-old male was stabbed and killed at a pop-up carnival in Culver City on Saturday, June 22.

Police are investigating the incident, which caused the immediate shutdown of the carnival, though it reopened the next day. 

The incident took place near the intersection of Venice Boulevard and Keystone Avenue. Police said that the unidentified victim died from injuries sustained to the stomach.

According to Hoodline.com, “Details surrounding what precisely escalated to the stabbing remain unclear, and law enforcement did not release the name of the deceased. Having died from injuries sustained from a stab wound to the stomach, the investigation by authorities continues – with no arrests announced in connection with the stabbing.”

A 16-year-old male was also stabbed multiple times, at a street carnival in the Palms neighborhood of Los Cut.

The two incidents appear to have been confused in some news outlets, though they are entirely separate.

“Preliminary investigation revealed that the victim, only identified as a 16-year-old Hispanic boy, was involved in an altercation with multiple other teens when he was stabbed multiple times by a 15-year-old boy,” reported KTLA. “The 16-year-old was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival, police said.”