“Never go back to anything! Go forward to the new adventures that each day holds for you.” – Eric Butterworth
Sometimes we have to bid farewell to what we have grown accustomed to, so that we can step forward into our next adventure. By consciously recognizing that we are done with something, it gives us a sense of excitement and joyful anticipation for what lies ahead. Some things, like school and birthdays, come with their own graduations and ceremonies.
Other things require an inner knowing that our time has come.
I had the pleasure of running into a student at the bank recently. The student was with her mother and we struck up a conversation about what she has been doing. When I asked her if she would be coming back to the lunch group, she let me know that she would not be attending the group anymore. Instantly, I was curious as to why someone who had been such a central part of the group had decided to stop coming.
When I asked her, she smiled and shared that she now has a great group of friends that play soccer and hang out at recess. My heart swelled with joy as her mother thanked me for the part I played in her daughter’s success. I congratulated them for graduating from the lunch group and encouraged the smiling student to stop by and visit us sometime. It felt good to remind her how much everyone in the group loves her. It is wonderful when we are in tune with who we are. It is empowering to tune into our own thoughts and emotions and then act on our inspiration. There is no one else who knows what we want, and need, better than ourselves. Whether it is a relationship, a job, a group we attend, or a song we no longer enjoy, it is wise to move on when the time is right.
This does not mean that we have to take drastic, or dramatic action. It simply means we need to pay close attention to what we are thinking and how we are feeling. When we slow down, check in with our own heart, and then take action on it, new doors open. New people and situations present themselves as we move away from feeling trapped and victimized by our circumstances. We experience a new world when we start lovingly asserting our will by making inspired choices in our lives.
Like the student I met at the bank, you may be realizing that it is time to move on from something that no longer fits. Do not be afraid. This is a natural part of life. As you take time to determine who you are and what you want, the change will be easier than you think. Find people to talk to that will understand where you are coming from and offer supportive words or an understanding ear.
The best thing you can do for anything or anyone is to move on when your time comes. By taking your next inspired step, you will also create an opportunity for someone else to fill in your old spot. Best of all, your natural enthusiasm and zest for life will return and you will be thankful that you heeded the call of your own heart.
Edward Biagiotti is the Inclusion Specialist for Culver City Unified School District. He is also co-host of the popular radio show, Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed, to find out more go to www.DarrellandEd.com or send an email to: EdwardBiagiotti@ccusd.org