Tapping Into Genius – Relax and look straight ahead


Everyone knows the feeling of juggling multiple tasks with limited time. It is in those moments that it is easy to feel overwhelmed, get frustrated, and start acting less than our fabulous selves with the people around us. That is why it is important to learn to relax our minds, look straight ahead, and take the next available action. The latter two steps can be easier than the first. However, relaxing allows us to access the support that is all around us, and realize that things are always better than our anxious thoughts would have us believe.

In my case, coming back from the holiday break was like being shot out of a canon. I went from surfing and sleeping to testing students, planning meetings, and writing reports. All of my resistance to doing the job came up and I felt trapped. It was no coincidence that I had an encounter with a colleague that was less than uplifting.

Thankfully, the exchange was brief, and I had a moment to re-center before the lunch groups started. All manner of emotions started coming up. As I sat there, along with feeling upset and wanting to abandon ship, I remembered why I do what I do. As the students filed in, there was an instant connection to my inspiration. We laughed, we played games, we talked about life’s challenges, and I relaxed. Upon leaving that school, I remembered the importance of staying focused on what really matters.

Behind all difficulty, and all conflict, there is love. All of us are doing our best with what we know. Stepping back far enough, it is not hard to see that we are all in this together. This is something that we work on with our students. We want to impart to them a global perspective that anchors within them an inclusive view of the world,  allowing them to rest in the truth that we are all one.

There is something wonderful about meeting a student who believes they are alone and shining a light on their world so that they recognize that they are never alone. There was a young man who was used to spending time alone. One day, we crossed paths on the way to one of the lunch groups. Feeling inspired, I extended an invitation for him to attend, and he accepted. It was quickly evident that this young man has a great deal of love to share with the world. He is helpful, supportive, and creative. It did not take long, with a little encouragement, for the other students to recognize these gifts and accept him into their circle of friends.

Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed by life and believe that you are alone on your adventure. It is time to take on a new view of the world. Make a list of all the people in your life that are supportive of you. Include the smallest acts of kindness on your list, from the grocery store clerk, to a co-worker who always has a kind word. By shifting your focus off of your burdens and on to the support that surrounds you, you will find new clarity about what to do next. You will also gain a sense of well-being that will propel you forward with grace and ease. What could be better?

Edward Biagiotti is the Inclusion Specialist for Culver City Unified School District. He is also co-host of the popular radio show, Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed, to find out more go to www.DarrellandEd.com or email him directly at:  EdwardBiagiotti@ccusd.org