Tapping into genius: Halloween happens every year


Lately, I have been focusing on appreciating the things that I often take for granted.  In the past, I hastily moved from one thing to another in an attempt to rekindle my enthusiasm for life, only to realize that what I desired had been there all along.

Often that joy can be found in the most seemingly mundane things.

With parenthood and teaching, each day is an opportunity to take stock and remind myself to appreciate the journey.  Taking these moments to appreciate what is present gives me the fuel I need to carry me through any rough patches I experience throughout my day as a father and a teacher.

Today I was reminded, by a small child, maybe two and a half years old, how amazing life can be when I am open to surprises.

I overheard him talking to his mother in the parking lot outside of my office.  As I approached, I could see that the boy was thinking about something that was important to him.

As I got closer I heard him say, “Ohhhh, I didn’t know there was going to be another Halloween.”

His mother kindly told him, “There is a Halloween every October.”

The boy lit up!  He was amazed.

There is so much to be grateful for. Watching young children marvel at the simple things can be such a great reminder that life is a gift. The little boy was content with having one or two Halloweens under his belt. The thought of celebrating Halloween every year was the icing on the cake.

One way I keep this feeling of natural wonder and appreciation alive in my family is to end each day with some appreciation statements.  Before I read my son a bedtime story, we take a few moments to rattle off a few things that we appreciate about our day.  It is fun, and whatever comes out is perfect.

If my son appreciates his teacher, or the laugh he got from one his classmates farting in class, it is all acceptable during appreciation time.  If it gets silly, all the better.

I find that this simple practice clears my own head and gets me ready to go to sleep and have pleasant dreams.  In those moments, just before sleep, as I feel gratitude for my day, I might also have to start throwing in, “Wow, you mean tomorrow I get to do it all again?