Tapping Into Genius

RIDE ON—Relax and enjoy the ride! AJ Barish, barista and roaster at The Conservatory for Coffee and Tea, will put pep in your step with his delicious brews.

Let the engine take the train

It is a busy season for meetings at the school district. While the paperwork takes time to complete, it is nothing compared to the amount of mental exertion caused by worrying about what might happen at the meetings. We are talking about the type of thinking that is not grounded in reality. It is simply based on worst-case scenarios, conjured up in our own imaginations. Thankfully we do not have to waste our valuable energy worrying any longer.

In any situation, our job is to take the steps that we can reasonably take and then trust in the process of life to turn out for the best. We cannot control what other people will think about our work, or anything else that other people choose to do. What we can do is give our best effort and then relax. Just like boarding a train, we simply get on the train and then relax. We allow the engine of the train to do what it is designed to do. No amount of worry can make the train go faster, or change its direction. We choose the appropriate train and then, if we are wise, sit back and enjoy the ride.

There is a student in one of our lunch groups who provided a great reminder of how important it is to relax and let the engine take the train. For the past month, he has been very concerned with the behavior of one of his classmates. He is so concerned that he gets very upset when this student does not conform to his expectations. As a result, he sheds tears and makes a scene trying to get the other student in trouble. It is clear, from the outside, that none of the drama is necessary. This student is creating the drama by worrying about things that he cannot control.

The truth is that the student I described is funny, athletic, and rather charismatic. He has been blessed with these traits. They require no effort on his part. We are working together to help him relax and trust himself. As he does, he is beginning to realize that he does not have to control the behavior of this other student. When he relaxes into his natural leadership abilities, the other student looks up to him and the two get along very well.

Perhaps you have been struggling to control things that are beyond your control. This type of thinking might have you feeling exhausted and powerless. If so, it is time to relax and let the engine take the train. As you trust that your simple efforts are enough, the world will begin to support you in amazing ways. When you are vulnerable with others, acknowledging that you are not a super hero, others will come forward to support you and add their gifts to whatever you are doing.

Working harmoniously with others, and remaining open to unseen support, the engine of life will carry your train quickly in the direction of all that you desire. The most successful people in the world acknowledge that their success is the result of working together with others to bring out the best for everyone. Today is the day to join their ranks by doing what you can do and then sitting back and enjoying the ride.

Edward Biagiotti is the Inclusion Specialist for Culver City Unified School District. He is also co-host of the popular radio show, Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed, to find out more go to www.DarrellandEd.com or send an email to: EdwardBiagiotti@ccusd.org