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Tag: Pete Whalon

Experiencing the military draft

On January 27, 1973, our military draft system ended in favor of voluntary enlistment. The Vietnam War was essentially over and there proved no...

Political correctness gone wild

Ineed some serious help my friends. Would someone please write a book in straightforward, uncomplicated plain English listing the words and phrases I can...

The evils of arrogance and egotism

Over the course of my adult life, I have come to believe that among the worst possible personality traits are arrogance and inflated egos....

Learning to be the substitute

In 1977 I graduated from Cal State Long Beach with a BA degree in Physical Education and a teaching credential. I was going to...

Is honesty really the best policy?

Not so fast my friends. I believe that sometimes lying is the lesser of two evils. Of course I'm not advocating or promoting a...

Discussing Pet Peeves

I'm quite sure that everyone is occasionally troubled by their own personal, pesky, perturbing pet peeves--those insignificant minor little acts or occurrences that just...

Remembering the roots of Memorial Day

Hey, I've got a crazy idea for you regarding the upcoming Memorial Day weekend. Take a little time out of your busy three-day schedule...

Having fun with oxymorons and puns

Since grade school I have enjoyed looking up unknown words to discover their meanings. I am also intrigued by a variety of word usages...

The shot heard ’round the world

By the rude bridge that arched the flood Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard ‘round the...

When facing challenging situations, build on the positive

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”  -Max Planck, Nobel Prize-winning physicist I have had several meetings...