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Tag: From The Editor

Making changes, one step at a time

For the past couple of weeks I have been making changes in my life. I am trying to structure my days around a routine...

Happy Father’s Day to my old man

With Father’s Day around the corner I can’t help but think of the journey my dad has taken in this life. My dad’s name...

Everyday should remind us of our good fortune

On Wednesday of this week I went out to Aspire Slauson Academy on the corner of Main and 59th Street to participate in the school’s...

Finding the kindest souls can happen in the most random place

My family has been living in Inglewood for the past 21 years. That same apartment building on Eucalyptus Avenue where my youngest brother Benjamin...

Patiently awaiting the arrival of my friend’s babies

For the past six weeks my close friend Noraly has been on bed rest due to her pregnancy. She is now seven months pregnant...

Figuring out what is next wasn’t too hard

With graduation less than a week away it’s hard not to wonder what comes next. Of course I am reminded of “what’s next?” when...

Where to begin isn’t as important as where you end

Today is literally a day where I don’t even know where to begin this piece. There has been so much going on that I...

Nothing like a visit from a good friend

This week my friend Kevin Ueda, whom I met while on the Union staff at El Camino College, will be in town visiting from...

Culver City resident doing more than running Boston Marathon

On April 19, 1897 the first ever Boston Marathon was celebrated. Next week, on Monday, April 21 there will be another edition of the...

Putting my name on it

Coach Herm Edwards once passionately delivered the words “put your name on it” and that is exactly what I am doing today. Last week,...