Stage Page – A cop seeks his family tree in ‘Match’ at Westchester Playhouse

Kentwood Players is presenting MATCH at the Westchester Playhouse through June 16 on Fridays and Saturdays, at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.



Stephen Belber’s Tony-nominated comic drama sparkles with wit and heartfelt emotion as it examines how our lives are shaped by the choices we make and the secrets we keep. The production is directed by Bruce Starrett and produced by Jenny Boone for Kentwood Players with rights secured from Dramatists Play Service.

The play begins as police officer Mike Davis (Jeff Cheezum) and his wife Lisa (Jennifer Sperry) arrive at the apartment of Tobi Powell (Marty Feldman), who lives alone in Inwood, a small quiet town on the northern tip of Manhattan. They are there to interview Tobi about his life as a dancer and choreographer, but it is soon evident that their agenda is as multilayered as the life story that Tobi begins to tell them. As his memories are revealed, it seems Mike may be on the verge of finding the match he has been seeking his whole life. What happens next will either ruin or inspire them all, and certainly change their lives forever.

While I am a member of Kentwood Players, which limits me on publishing a full review of this show, I can tell you as a reviewer this 3-person ensemble play is one not to miss thanks to the amazing and truly heartfelt, emotional performances by each of the highly skilled actors. It’s unfortunate that dramatic plays have fewer patrons than musicals or comedies, especially one as good as this one which deserves to have a packed house at each performance. I can tell you when I was there, every single audience member sat in rapt attention from start to finish, pulled into not only the story but the brilliant skill of the actors, director, as well as the artistic contributions from the technical staff, including set designer Bryan Burrets, lighting designers Hollister Starrett and Kira Sherman, sound designer Ed Esau, and costume designer Kathy Dershimer.

It takes a real team effort to create such an impressive stage production as this one, and to quote first-time mainstage director Bruce Starrett, “It has been an honor and a genuine pleasure to work with this talented cast and absurdly creative production team to bring the story of MATCH to life.” Now all they need is an audience to be as impressed as I was!  Reserved seat tickets for this play at the Westchester Playhouse are $22 with a $2 discount for seniors and students, available by calling the box office at (310) 645-5156. All voicemail messages will be answered in the order received. You may also purchase tickets online at Please note this play contains adult language and situations.

For more information about Kentwood Players and their upcoming shows and auditions, please visit the Kentwood Players website at You can also find Kentwood Players information on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To meet the MATCH production team and learn more about Kentwood Players and what goes on at the Westchester Playhouse, the public is invited to attend their free membership meetings held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm at the Westchester Playhouse, located two blocks west of the San Diego Freeway and two blocks north of Manchester at 8301 Hindry Avenue in Westchester, CA 90045. Refreshments follow the meeting, after which a short workshop is presented. Please note construction is underway for the new Metrolink train station at Hindry and Florence, so please allow extra time to find free parking on residential streets in the surrounding area.