[In the letter “Chamber Denounces ‘Cowardice’Rose says it all, “The Chamber advocates for the betterment of Culver City, including business interests.” What he really means is that his developer-fellow-travelers and compliant City Council Members will build it bigger and higher, and let the peasants deal with the problems of added traffic, parking and pollution.
Rose lists what the Chamber “voluntarily” does for the City. Then he asks, “If the Chamber would not provide this wide array of services, who would?” Is this is a thinly-veiled threat that, unless the two Chamber candidates (Ericksson and Wyant), who are targeted in a political flyer, are not elected to the City Council, the Chamber will take its ball and go home?
Rose further states, “Last weekend a cheap hit piece was distributed throughout Culver City by a group of unidentified individuals…. [They are Cowardly people hiding behind an unknown group.” (They papered us, too.) Note that Rose avoids responding to any issue that those people raised in their flyer, e.g., “[The Chamber of Commerce is the unelected 6th member of the Council.” He engages in ad hominem—attacking an opponent’s character, rather than answering an argument.
He asks about the funding of those unidentified individuals. We looked into the matter. If they solicit more than $2,000, they must register. There is no registration. Thus, it seems that they are engaged in a grass-roots effort—the villagers are attacking the monster’s castle.
Rose states that four candidates are Chamber members, but fails to mention that only two—Ericksson and Wyant—are long-term, hardcore Chamber members.
— Les Greenberg