Photo by Gary Kohatsu



The Culver City Public Works Department recently replaced the El Camino Bell and Sign at the center median on Sepulveda Boulevard at Jefferson Avenue. The bell and sign, which was first installed in 1998 (courtesy of the Culver City Woman’s Club) was destroyed in the summer of 2019 by a hit-and-run driver, Woman’s Club members said. Culver City Woman Club members in photo, from left, are Beverly Coombs, Judit Harris, Mary Farrenkopf, Beverly Anderson, Carole Kanter, Angie Waller, Lynn Stinstoff, Fabiola Hensley, Carole Easton, Margaret Mezey, Pat Harmon, Norma Moreno, Joyce Mundle, Alice Gardello, Rhonda Byer, Bonnie Thomas, Yvonne Dean, Mary Preyer, Judy Lohs.  Kneeling are Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells, Annette Tossounian, and Ann Miks. Sahli-Wells was credited for helping to install the replacement bell and sign, Woman’s Club members said. The Woman’s Club will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year. It was started by Lillian Culver, wife of city founder Harry Culver.