Short-term rentals on city’s radar


On the online home sharing site HomeToGo, 552 listings are offered in Culver City, with rent ranging from $99 to $350 a week.


“Book your vacation home in Culver City. Enjoy your stay starting at $50!” the site announces. “We have about 300 listings in Culver City through various websites, so we are acutely aware of the issue,”


Councilman Jim B. Clarke said. “We have put together a Council subcommittee to examine short-term rentals.”


Short-term rental operators rarely pay municipalities transit occupancy taxes, known as the hotel bed taxes, which gives them an advantage over traditional hotels.


“We have also had some flagrant abuses resulting in fines and cease-and-desist orders,” Clarke said. “Unlike WeHo, we probably won’t ban STRs, but tightly regulate with number of days, numbers per area or block, owner present, etc.”


The vacation rentals are popular with tourists and out-of-town visitors, however. They offer a more-homey environmental in many cases and have a chance to interact with local families and forge lasting friendships.


“There are some pro arguments like allowing seniors to stay in their homes by renting off rooms,” Clarke added. “But our policy will be hashed out in committee and brought to Council.


City officials say the council could hear a report on short-term rentals within the next several months.