Senior citizen survey after ‘Joining AARP’s Age-Friendly Network’ needed by March 29



In collaboration with the World Health Organization and AARP, the City of Culver City has been designated as an Age-Friendly City. The city is now a part of the Who’s Global Network for Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.

As part of its preparation and research, city officials are looking to the community for guidance. The City is conducting a survey to learn more about the concerns and priorities of its senior citizens.

The survey has been customized and will be used nationally by cities developing Age-Friendly Action Plans.

The findings from the survey will be used to develop Culver City’s Age-Friendly Plan, which will be submitted to AARP and reviewed by the City Council.

Results of the survey will also be posted on the City’s website. You may individually receive the results via email by signing up to receive updates for the Culver City Senior Center.

City officials ask that Culver City residents age 50 and older complete the important survey by March 29.

You may electronically access the survey by visiting our survey website,  may electronically access the survey by visiting our survey

or obtain a hard copy from Culver City City Clerk’s Office (9770 Culver Blvd) or Culver City Senior Center (4095 Overland Ave). You can return your surveys to either the City Clerk’s Office or Senior Center.

Individual responses will remain confidential, though anonymous results will be added to the City of Culver City’s website and shared with other cities and communities within WHO and AARP’s networks.

Interested community members can receive results directly to their email inbox by signing up to receive updates for the Culver City Senior Center.