School bond issue on many residents’ minds


Measure CC

When we moved to Culver City 20 years ago we did not have kids, but we chose Culver City in part because of the school system. Please vote YES on Measure CC, the CCUSD school bond measure on the June 3 ballot. Over the last 10 years that our son has been a Culver City student we have spent a lot of time at the school sites. The conditions of our classrooms, science labs, computer infrastructure, plumbing, electrical, buildings, athletic areas and schools are deteriorating and need fixing up. I have walked numerous streets and neighborhoods all over Culver City talking about the bond. Over 96 percent of the people I talk to: parents, seniors, folks with adult kids, folks with no kids, folks with kids; all agree we have to fix up our schools. Shouldn’t the condition of our schools be at the same level as they are academically? An investment in our schools is an investment in keeping our property values increasing. It is the best investment any of us could make for the future of our community and our students. Please vote Yes on Measure CC.

Jamie and Bob Wallace


Please join me and thousands of parents and vote Yes on Measure CC, the CCUSD school bond measure on the June 3 ballot. The PTA is the largest child advocacy organization in the Nation. All seven of our Culver City PTAs have endorsed Measure CC because they fully understand that the conditions of our classrooms and schools are sub par compared to schools in districts like Santa Monica-Malibu and Inglewood. Most of our schools were built 50 years ago. Some were built 70 years ago. Every school will be impacted by this bond. Modern classrooms will provide our students with tools they need to go to a four-year university or to plan for career pathways. In two years I will no longer have children in Culver City schools, but Iwill still live here and own a home here and I know how important this long term investment is to the value of my home and our quality of life in Culver City,and to the future of ALL of our children. Please vote Yes on Measure CC

Leslie Gardner


On June 3, 2014 we all have the opportunity to make a positive difference in Culver City by voting Yes on Measure CC, the school facilities bond measure that will be on the June 3 ballot. Culver City will celebrate its Centennial Birthday in 2017. From the beginning our schools have been excellent and a selling point for potential new residents. Our schools are a major reason we are a well-known, enviable city. However, today we are competing against new communities such as Agoura, Valencia, Simi Valley and Canyon Country where the schools are new, modern and equipped for the 21st century. Don’t Culver City students deserve thesame opportunities? Shouldn’t our teachers and school staff have the chance to teach in a 21st century environment as well? A very wise elderly businessman once told me: “You won’t succeed if you sell yesterday’s shoes?” He was right. Our students need the chance to learn in 21st century schools so that the teachers can do their best work and the students can learn in an environment that equips them for college and the workplace. Measure CC is about more than upgrading school electrical systems and modernizing science labs. It’s also about public safety and public health. A modern school environment is student friendly, makes studying easier and more productive and discourages crime. Students who are inspired are less likely to be truant and engage in petty theft, drugs, gang activity, human trafficking, vandalism and a laundry list of other crimes, thus reducing the likelihood that our youth will end up in Juvenile Court at the taxpayer’s expense. Current and former City Council Members, School Board Members, the Culver City Council of PTAs, the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, and numerous community activists and residents support Measure CC. Now we need your support. On June 3, 2014 please cast your “YES” vote for Measure CC.

Deborah Weinrauch


I am voting Yes on Measure CC, the Culver City School bond measure on the June 3rd ballot, because our District classrooms and facilities are outdated and in desperate need of repair. Most of our schools were built 50-70 years ago. Our Students deserve modern classrooms that provide tools they need to compete and to prepare for a four-year university or other career pathways. As a member of our business community, I understand the investment we are making to modernize and upgrade our schools will continue to increase the value of all our property, and ensure a longterm healthy housing market. We need to vote YES on Measure CC. It is good for our students, our community, our businesses, our tax base and good for Culver City.

Michael Hamill


While I usually vote against anything that increases my taxes, I’m voting FOR Measure CC. It’s a NECESSARY bond measure to ensure our Culver City schools don’t fall into disrepair. I’ve witnessed first hand dangerous electrical issues, asbestos issues, seismic problems, rain falling into classrooms, puddles that don’t go away, rusty water coming out of drinking fountains, ceiling tiles falling down during class, a library with rain damage to paneling from 5 years ago that has not been repaired at the high school and middle school. With cut janitorial staff and decreased facilities staff that happened 10 years ago our schools have sadly done more with less and continue to decline in facilities repairs. The repair list is huge. State funding has been cut as well. Our kids have one of the worst districts in facilities compared with neighboring school districts. Our infrastructure and technology needs are huge. I’ve been a parent with girls in the schools for 12 years. I’ve fundraised with PTA and Booster clubs over $650,000 in the last 12 years to try and help out. The Board of Education and district has cut costs and staff, Principals have cut programs and economized. There’s no more resources to tap. We need Measure CC. Please vote YES!

Bonnie Wacker

Past President CCMS Panther Partners, Past President Farragut Fan Club, Sees Candies Volunteer of the Year 2008, 2009, 2013 Owner My Friends Montessori Preschool