Saying farewell to my right-hand woman

From The Editor, Cristian Vasquez

During the past 13 months I have sat next to one of the most laid back, witty individuals that I’ve ever had the privilege of working with during my years as a journalist. Annette Patterson is the graphic designer who designs, crops, and makes change, after change to the layout of Culver City News and Blue Pacific, every week. As of next week she will sadly, for us, no longer be sitting to my left as we crank out our weekly publication. Fortunately for her, she has come upon a professional opportunity that she can’t pass up and for that I am very happy.

However, I will miss coming into the office every week and talking to her about practically anything as we put together the paper. From politics to religion to sports and music, and even the paranormal, or lack thereof, Annette and I touched on pretty much any topic that could have been trending on the news or bouncing around in our heads. The best part of it all was that even when we disagreed, it was all good. I’ll miss hearing stories about her native Ohio; I’m going to miss her stories about the time she spent in Ghana. I’ll recall fondly how excited we both were, more she than I, when Weird Al Yankovic released his latest album. I’m mainly going to miss the person who for the past 13 months put up with my music, nonstop chattering mouth, who never had anything negative to say and who became a cool friend.

Even though the lunch table will be missing one of its regulars, I’m thankful for everything that I learned sitting next to Annette. From work-related issues to general things about life, Annette might not have known it but she dropped some serious knowledge on me. I’m really happy that she’s found this new opportunity but I will certainly miss my right-hand person. So on Thursday, the last day in which we will produce a paper together, we will toast to her new job with some Mountain Dew, some typical chatter as the day fades away and maybe some Weird Al tunes. Thanks for the laughs and congratulations Annette. Good luck at the new gig.