Rites of Passage: Burning Man and the U.S. economy


            Mercury turns stationary direct Friday, 3 p.m. (PDT) at 19 degrees Leo. The new Moon, 16 degrees Virgo, is Sunday night (8:04 p.m.). Join the New Group of World Servers for the new moon festival by reciting the Great Invocation.

            Burning Man (the art community and festival on the Nevada playas) has presciently (French: foreknowledge) themed this year “Rites of Passage.” Providing a link or bridge between the death of one reality and the birth of another, the idea of rites of passage can also be applied to what is occurring to humanity and our economy in our present world situation.

            Esoterically, as the economic system seems to be floundering with erratic ups and downs, we can understand this as the withdrawal of ray 6 (competitive age of values) and the emergence of ray 7 (new Aquarian values of sharing). Change creates a disturbance in the fabric of accepted reality for society and individuals. Rites of passage are rituals and actions that reduce the disunity and confusion within the process of change while simultaneously anchoring the new (it’s unstoppable) coming forth.

            The United States chart clearly reflects that an economic transformation is taking place. The planets in the sky influencing the U.S. birth chart are the same as the charts of the Great Depression of 1929. Uranus, then as it is now, was square Venus. Between now and 2014, Uranus will aspect (touch) the U.S. Venus, Jupiter and Sun in Cancer (affecting the masses). Sun, Venus and Jupiter indicate wealth. Uranus indicates upheaval.

            The questions during this financially challenging (read: uncertain, downtrend, broken, ominous) time are, “How/where do we position our assets?” “What will be the most valuable future commodity?” The signals coming from the stock market, reflecting the U.S. chart, carry the sounds of canaries in a coalmine. These questions and their answers recognize we need rites of passage. What constitutes the most appropriate actions within our rites of passage? Preparation. Together. (Read more at nightlightnews.com.)

            ARIES: Being creative is now your new important self-identity. The making of new archetypes, a creative endeavor, is pursuing your every moment. Continuing for the next seven years, you’re called to respond in multiple ways within your work and thinking. You will then be recognized as an innovator, risk-taker and visionary. You no longer stand within limitation. Observe world events. The transformation’s here.

            TAURUS: Let’s talk about home. Everything connected with home must hold your attention. There’s much to be done there. Go slowly. Also, your digestion may become overloaded quickly. Be very careful with foods. Allergies could erupt unexpectedly. Enzymes, probiotics, acidophilus, raw milk, chia seeds, coconut water, chlorella and Calcium Phos (homeopathic) aid digestion. Maintain adequate electrolytes and water. Hours in the sun are not wise.

            GEMINI: Again, I advise you to read everything I write so you can gather enough esoteric wisdom for your esoteric journal so you have an intelligent framework that unifies all information and all polarities. This unification is called synthesis. It occurs as you gain wisdom (ray 2) which creates love (ray 2), which happens when enough esoteric information has been gathered. The foundation you’re seeking, your true foundation, then emerges.

            CANCER: Communication flows, becomes less difficult and you feel loved and cared for. Family is your source of joy. This is not true for everyone. You do need to discuss practically money, finances and resources while sharing with loved ones. Your resources allow different aspects of spirit to enter matter. Whatever you give unlatches a gate and your giving is returned tenfold. You become both father and mother.

            LEO: The Sun and Moon offer a new sense of spiritual identity. Somewhere, somehow, with someone, you’re wanted and loved. The past, poised amid a group of friends or lovers from long ago, is asking your forgiveness and the ability to value every life experience. You’re also asked to offer (internally) love to everyone – past, present and future. You’re not asked to restrict or restructure yourself. That happens quietly over time.

            VIRGO: This is a special time – a new moon in your sign with Venus as companion. Even if you sense money or resources are restricted or held back let yourself rest until this particular time is over and a new state of balance arises. If you sense everything’s being restructured, you’re right. It’s a reorientation so new values and resources can precipitate down from spiritual sources. Meditation on this provides clarity.

            LIBRA: You wonder how to accommodate a sense of self within relationships. In one, you need a new rhythm. With self, you need self-discipline that creates new daily life structures. Exercise is vital. Daily life seems ever so complicated. Home is constantly transforming. There’s no rest and nothing’s consistent. In learning how to navigate the waters of change, you must begin to love first.

            SCORPIO: Try not to plunge carelessly into other people’s money or resources. Maintain poise within the constant variations of your thoughts. New direction and new values are about to appear. Evaluate all communications. Has home dissolved away? Has creativity become a wound to be healed? Don’t dwell on these things. They’re normal preparations for revolution.

            SAGITTARIUS: Are you in a state of difficulty that seems never-ending? As a new sense of self rises up from the past, your normal balance can’t be found, having gone underground like Persephone. Your thinking is muddled at times. Your home – is it comforting? Something’s occurring in professional world, how you’re recognized – something lovely; a light within darkness. You can think of yourself as that.

            CAPRICORN: Capricorns are experiencing profound transformations. At some points, they feel hidden. At other times, they wonder if death is soon? This is not a physical death. It is how transformation feels. Some Caps are experiencing money difficulties. It’s most important to exercise great focus on finances, following a program of austerity, reorganizing resources and conserving funds. Do you need help in this?

            AQUARIUS: We come into incarnation hoping to fulfill tasks (unknown to us for lifetimes). In one particular lifetime, we begin to perfect our particular gifts. We become happy and joyful and life feels luminous. This is an initiation, an inner spiritual growth phase. It’s the path of ray 7, the ray star of Aquarius’s ruler, Uranus. We then bring humanity a new rhythm of thought. This is accelerating within you. Share it.

            PISCES: Both Neptune and Chiron are hovering around the first degrees of Pisces, providing a message that the new Moon will bring forth. What has dissolved is being refined and something new will be created. What has hurt will become a healing and you will use this to heal, help, assist and uplift others. Stay within a garden most of the time, in the Sun 15 minutes a day and maintain solitude. This last is most important.


Risa D’Angeles

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College

A contemporary wisdom school in the Ancient Mysteries tradition, studying the Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice Bailey books.

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