Rep. Bass presents Culver City disability programs, DAC with Excellence Award


Culver City’s Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) and

the Disability Services Program received a Congressional Recognition of Excellence Award from Rep. Karen Bass (D-37th District) on Dec. 10.

This L.A. County Development Commission Award acknowledges the DAC for helping to guide the City of Culver City’s disabled services programs, which demonstrates the City’s excellent use of grant funds, Congresswoman Karen Bass said in a press statement.

The grant funds include those from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME grant programs.

The DAC advises the City Council on all matters affecting persons with disabilities in the community, reviews community policies, programs and actions, which affect persons with disabilities, and makes appropriate recommendations to the City Council, according to the press release.

The DAC identifies the needs of persons with disabilities and creates a public awareness of these needs in areas such as employment, housing, transportation, media, physical and communication accessibility, and other needed areas.

DAC members also render advice and assistance as requested to other City Boards and Commissions, City departments and private agencies on matters affecting persons with disabilities.

DAC promotes the total integration of persons with disabilities into all aspects of community life and works with the city’s Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department to achieve its objec