Rekindle your enthusiasm

“The ultimate dream in life is to be able to do what you love and learn something from it.” – Jennifer Love Hewitt



Many of us have been taught that there is a mountain that must be climbed in order to attain success.  Along the way, people have created countless rules regarding what we must do to achieve our greatest potential.  Unfortunately, most of these rules were invented by people who were attempting to mimic the success of someone else.  More often than not, the key ingredients to successful living are enthusiasm and interest.  If we can maintain these two qualities then we are destined for greatness.

There was a third-grade student who had a knack for drawing.  When he was drawing he would focus intently on every little detail.  He would also share keen observations about the world around him in comical ways.  It was clear that this kid was in his element.

When this student was not drawing, he was a completely different person.  He had a hard time sitting still and needed a great deal of help to get anything started or finished.  On top of that, his comical insights turned into inappropriate comments that landed him in trouble with his teacher.  Drawing was a gift that allowed him to plug into higher-order thinking and stay grounded in the present moment.  Without drawing he was like a fish out of water.

While this student never became the top of his class academically, things did improve.  As a team, we found ways to include more drawing in his assignments.  Language arts, math, science, and history are full of opportunities to incorporate art and use it as a means of expressing key ideas and concepts.  As he gained more praise for his artistic efforts, he became more willing to persevere in less preferred activities.

More often than not, if we are struggling it is because we have lost touch with the joy of being who we are.  Perhaps someone has told us that our interests are not valuable or that they are nothing more than a distraction from what really matters.  The truth is that our natural interests, when pursued, become vehicles through which we learn valuable lessons that we can apply to every other field of endeavor.

If you are feeling stuck, it is time to reconnect with your joy.  Set aside time to unwind by engaging in activities that naturally stoke your enthusiasm.  When you do, you will feel more like yourself and have more to give others.  You will also have a renewed sense of wonder and gain access to creative solutions to challenges that might have felt insurmountable in the past.  Get back in touch with your joy.  You are going to love the way you look.

Edward Biagiotti is the Inclusion Specialist for Culver City Unified School District.  He is also the co-host of “Funniest Thing! with Darrell and Ed” podcast on iTunes.  For questions, comments, and ideas for future columns, send an email to