Reimagine Fox Hills in talks


In recent years, city officials have been mulling over different revitalizations plans for Fox Hills, which has both an important commercial and economic component for Culver City, as well as being home to an upscale residential community.

With that in mind, a discussion on possible future revitalization — “Reimagine Fox Hills”— will be on the table at the Veterans Memorial Complex’s Garden Room on Thursday, July 28 beginning at 7 p.m.

Fox Hills is home to Corporate Pointe, a collection of high- rise office buildings near the 405 Freeway and just east of the Westfield Culver City Mall.  It is also home to the computer cyber security firm Symantec, several software companies and the “innovation engine” XPRIZE.

To learn more about Reimagine Fix Hills, contact Economic Development Manger Elaine Gerety- Warner at 310-253-5777 or at