Really, is this the best we can do?


Okay folks, I’m about to ask the impossible. Whether you are Republicanconservative or Democratliberal, can you, for a brief moment, attempt to be completely honest and objective. I know it’s difficult for those of you who would vote for a dead candidate of their party over a live candidate of the other party, but for fun, try just this once.

Do you, an impartial observer, honestly believe your candidate for President of the United States (Clinton or Trump) is a considerate, truthful, sincere person who truly grasps and cares about the important issues facing we, the people?

And furthermore, do you sincerely sense that one of these candidates is among the best and brightest this country has to offer its citizenry. Or do you believe as I do, that out of 330,000,000 people in the country there are scores of intelligent, caring, competent, people who would be better suited for this monumental undertaking. Give me an ‘amen,’ brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, those who I believe could do a fantastic job as our president would never even consider running for the position or any other elected political office.

Who in their right mind would want to subject themselves to the intense microscopic scrutiny running for office brings? Every detail of your life from birth until the present day will come out and be dissected in an attempt to ruin your chances of being elected. The other side will paint you as the most despicable, dishonest human to have ever walked the earth. So, since our political elections have devolved into a gutter-sniping contest of destroying the other candidates’ reputation and competency we end up with Clinton vs. Trump.

While I’m on a roll, here’s another aspect of elections and campaigning that bugs the hell out of me. When presidential candidates spout something idiotic, off color, or proves an outright lie, they immediately send out their surrogates to “explain” what they really meant to say. Wouldn’t it make our life easier if we the people had stand-ins to explain to others what we truly meant when something stupid or insulting spills out of our cake hole? Example: A big, burley lumberjack cuts me off in traffic. I stick my head out the window and hurl an f-bomb at him combined with an emphatic one-finger salute in his direction. The ex-boxer with a cauliflower ear pops out of his car and menacingly confronts me with clenched fists. Fortunately, I have my highly paid spokesperson sitting next to me in the car and he intervenes on my behalf.

“Excuse me sir, please allow me to explain exactly what Pete was trying to convey with his ill-timed, unfortunate remark and misconstrued gesture.” My mouthpiece continues to babble on until the behemoth’s eyes glaze over and he forgets exactly why he was fuming in the first place.

The hulk jumps back into his Ford pickup truck and disappears around a corner. Of course, we don’t have a bevy of sycophants prepared to spring into action anytime we misspeak or trip up.

While I’m on the subject, here’s another ditty all politicians, especially those running for president, throw out continually during their town hall meetings, television appearances or while giving speeches. “The American people want blah, blah, blah.” No Mr. or Ms. Candidate, the American people don’t want that, SOME of the American people want that, not ALL of them! I know it’s a minor issue but it still bugs me.

So, what’s the solution you ask? My answer, there is none. Our politicians are so entrenched with the present system it’s beyond hope. I have resigned myself to the fact that the two parties will keep electing those who have been so corrupted by the process and so managed by others clinging to power that the only issue that matters is getting their person elected so they will be able to implement their agenda. If you believe that either party is sincerely concerned with the wellbeing of the average American, I’ve got some beautiful oceanfront property in Montana to sell you.