Ray 3 – Economic intelligence, the Holy Spirit and liberation


As of this writing, severe weather (heat, sink holes, flash floods, droughts, etc.) is occurring in many places around the country while our United States Government is deadlocked about the state (debts, taxes, etc.) of our economy (ray 3). During Cancer’s full moon meditation Thursday night, those participating in the Kalachakra Initiation and full moon meditation in Washington, D.C. saw the president’s helicopter take off and fly over the city. He flew into the Light of the Cancer full moon. We hope this gave him the strength and courage to decide what is for the greatest good. We call forth the Law of Ancient Dominating Good and the Forces of Light to flow into and influence the U.S. Government.

The financial disarray (achieving a harmony through conflict, ray 4) is not surprising. Saturn in Libra (both ray 3 of economic intelligence) is squaring the U.S. Sun in Cancer in the second house of finances and values. Squares challenge us into a new direction. Saturn, dweller on the threshold, highlights obstacles to intelligent success. Saturn, exalted in Libra, calls for balance. Opportunity is given if we make intelligent, responsible decisions.

Through this economic crisis, our leaders are given the opportunity to choose – what is best for the few or for the many. Choosing the latter, humanity is liberated. Ray 3 is liberation. We call forth the Holy Spirit (ray 3, intelligent spirit of liberation) to oversee this crisis of opportunity. As the Sun enters Leo Friday night, the right use of will (through love) overshadows our leaders.

ARIES: Last week’s full moon created a challenge between home and profession, bringing that duality to light so you could unify and synthesize values. For many, uniting these areas of life can be difficult, being pulled in two different directions. However, this doesn’t need to be. Things visualized and planned for eventually emerge into a unifying light. It’s a splendid harvest. Lead with love or leadership fails.

TAURUS: You’re emerging as a teacher. It’s said during Cancer/Capricorn full moon the teacher is to be recognized and gratitude is to be given. The Dalai Lama said we were to rejoice in the teacher (and the teachings). What teachers blessed you with goodness and knowledge? Thank them in your mind and heart. You’re to become even greater. Students are to surpass the teacher – one of the student’s spiritual tasks.

GEMINI: You’re to be sensitive to impressions from greater realms so you can understand more the ancient mysteries embedded in these astrological and esoteric writings. What concerned you prior to the Cancer full moon is forgotten. Venus, your soul ruler, asks you to list again what you value (possessions, events, people, ideas, behaviors, books, facts, etc.). Seeing what you value allows a greater self-identity. Tend to your money and resources with intelligence and discipline.

CANCER: To recognize what’s important to us, we often must observe our daily routines. What are you doing that’s routine this week and month, and how does that define you? What beliefs about yourself decide for you what you accomplish each day? Do you provide yourself with the same nurturance, safety and security you provide others? Assess your answers. Be careful with communication. You may not be able to hear yourself.

LEO: Happy Birthday, Leo. Allow yourself time away from work and responsibilities; study that increases your imagination, art that creates free play (which you need). These soothe, create comfort and care that often you seek from others (which they are unable to provide). Work soon becomes quite intense. Prepare yourself with disciplined daily time structures so you don’t become weary. Are you thinking about your father?

VIRGO: So much happens within and so much about you is creative. Perhaps you don’t quite recognize this and don’t yet rejoice in it. Virgo’s ability to organize and tend to things in detail are fine creative acts. Virgos have great discernment. Something new will be emerging in your home as you tend carefully to the art of money management.

LIBRA: As you continue to change and merge into a new self identity, as your home life transforms (perhaps into greater beauty, order, organization?), the structure of your mind, beliefs and thinking will change, too. Notice these things. Previous obstacles in daily life melt away. Whatever you justify doing, if kindness is not involved, this too will dissolve. Who loves you the most? Someone.

SCORPIO: There’s an ongoing question concerning having enough resources, now and for the future. This causes anxiety. It’s good to communicate about these things. Communicating expands awareness and calms reactions to what seems like continual change. Soon, you feel the need for travel. Plan for this now. It calls you to adventure. In the meantime, paring down all expenses allows for unusual reserves of creativity to emerge. There are many untapped resources sitting about, surrounding you.

SAGITTARIUS: Follow the paring down advice given to Scorpio. This is an important time when you think deeply on how you would want to improve or expand upon any (all) aspects of how you are in relationships. At times, you’re very dedicated, often enthusiastic. At other times, you drop to a middling to poor state of being – from heights of achievement and authority to lack of confidence. These are normal behaviors for everyone. Do not pressure yourself in any way. Everything good comes in time.

CAPRICORN: Be careful driving, communicating and doing things that demand a focused mind. You’re entering a time when the mind and thinking are being refined. At first, veils seem to drop over your eyes. Then, thinking feels confused. These are symptoms of mental enhancement. While this occurs, you need to care for your health with a consistent regimen of vitamins and minerals, and a diet gluten- and sugar-free. Include the entire family. It’s easy to do. These are your new directions.

AQUARIUS: The cultural calls out the best in you, captures your creative spirit, provides new confidence and realization that you are an artist. All that you do brings forth for others new and different perspectives. Many of us don’t realize or understand our gifts and how we influence others following our dreams and visions, wants and wishes. On a practical level, begin and continue to be very disciplined with money, resources and finances. Do heed this advice.

PISCES: Home is the best place to concentrate on preparing the correct foods your body needs to heal, have comfort and accomplish the daily tasks of nurturance and protection. With Neptune in Pisces, your nervous system needs a specific and defined enclosure. If sounds affect (bother) you, take extra magnesium, calcium and Aconite (homeopath). Pisces need the deepest care of all the signs. You may be going home again. Learn this time about your heritage.


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