Random city news, happenings


PRCS Recreation Coordinator selected to represent CC in DC

The city congratulates Recreation Coordinator Arames White-Shearin for being selected as a Youth Leader representing the City of Culver City at the My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Community Challenge Initiative national gathering, convening at the White House. The MBK Initiative encompasses the idea of promoting a better individual with the help of the community. The goals set by MBK are to ensure that all children enter school cognitively, physically, socially and emotionally ready and to help ensure that all youth graduate from high school.


Street Improvement Projects in Culver City include Washington Place, Sawtelle Boulevard

A construction contract has been awarded for a Public Works Street Improvement Project along Washington Place between Frances Avenue and Zanja Street. The work set to be completed sometime in March. The improvements include pavement reconstruction; street resurfacing; new ADA curb ramps with truncated domes; sidewalk reconstruction; handicap accessible pedestrian push buttons; and new traffic striping with bike lanes. Heavy traffic delays are anticipated along Washington Place. In order to expedite construction, westbound and eastbound directions of Washington Place will be limited to one lane in each direction.

In addition, a construction contract was also awarded for a Public Works Street Improvement Project along Sawtelle Boulevard between Braddock Drive and Culver Boulevard, and between Washington Boulevard and Washington Place. The street improvements along Sawtelle Boulevard are also scheduled for completion in March. The improvements include street resurfacing, local repairs of deteriorated pavement areas; new ADA curb ramps with truncated domes; handicap-accessible pedestrian push buttons and new traffic striping. It is anticipated that there will be heavy traffic delays. At times, the northbound and southbound directions of Sawtelle Boulevard will be limited to one lane.

Update on sewer main rehabilitation lining project

Phase 4 of the citywide Sewer Main Rehabilitation Lining Project will begin in late February. This project consists of approximately 17 miles of sewer main rehabilitation using trenchless lining technology to minimize construction impacts to the public. The overall project duration is February to December of this year. The contractor will clean and inspect the sewer mains in the coming months. The sewer rehabilitation work usually takes one day to install, during which sewer service may be impacted. Additional advance notice will be distributed by the contractor several days prior to actual sewer lining work. Typical construction hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Occasional nighttime work may be necessary at certain locations.


More construction updates

– Southern California Edison will continue vault removal and replacement at the intersection of Jefferson Boulevard and the 405 freeway. The lane closure will remain and it is expected that work will be completed in two weeks.

– Golden State Water Company (GSWC) will continue the water main installation on Patom Drive between Berryman Avenue and Sawtelle Boulevard, and on Patom Drive between Culver Park Place and Diller Avenue. It is expected that the work will be completed in three weeks.

– GSWC will continue the water main installation on Le Bourget Avenue between Farragut Drive and Culver Boulevard, and begin water main installation on Revere Place. Work on Le Bourget Avenue will be completed this week, and the contractor will return at a later date to complete restoration of the street. GSWC will also begin water main installation and fire hydrant installation on south bound Centinela Avenue between Green Valley Circle and Bristol Parkway. Time Warner cable will also be working in the same area installing fiber optic cable.

– XO Communications will begin a fiber optic cable installation on Slauson Avenue between Bristol Parkway and Buckingham Parkway. There will be an open trench across Slauson Avenue from the utility pole to 400 Corporate Point so traffic lanes will be closed intermittently at times.