Put your money where your mouth is


Now that Mayor Lee and the City Council are giving heroes’ pay to the workers at Southern California Hospital at  Culver City  (not their money) I look forward to him proposing, and the Council accepting, giving heroes’ pay to our police and paramedics who at times would have to be in close contact with people in emergencies and also thus risked getting the virus. 

That would require some sacrifice by our council people rather than the owners of the major health facility in our city. It is certainly easier to require others to pay extra but not what you yourself are responsible for, such as the city budget.

Also, as I mentioned previously, if Mayor Lee is so concerned about the physical problems of the hospital he should, as a mayor and a responsible public official, notify the appropriate federal,  state and city inspectors instead of citing the physical problems as a reason to charge the hospital to  pay more (the $5 bonus) for a problem that does not even require quarantines now.

— Andrew Bressler

Culver City 

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