Postpone decision on housing


This Monday, June 28 (EDITOR’S NOTE: This letter was received on Thursday, June 24), the Culver City Council is poised to approve a major change to Culver City neighborhoods without having provided any explicit notice or receiving any significant input from Culver City residents.  This is deceitful, dishonest and not inclusive.

The City is proposing to allow two, three and four plex units to be constructed on essentially every lot in every existing Culver City residential neighborhood. Whether or not you agree with the proposal, you have to acknowledge that this is a significant change.  This proposal was developed many months ago. Yet the City provided no notice of this to the public. No postcard. No email. No Robocall.  Nothing.  

The primary public input from Culver City residents on this important proposal seems to have been from 77 people who participated in one workshop and a survey with 683 responses in which there were no questions that explored this proposal in any detail. That’s a drop in the bucket for a City of over 39,000. The City was clearly not interested in a meaningful dialogue with residents – one in which information is provided, ideas exchanged, compromises made if possible and all voices heard. The City should postpone this important decision until we can have a voice.

— Carol Inge

Culver City

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