Political correctness gone wild


Ineed some serious help my friends. Would someone please write a book in straightforward, uncomplicated plain English listing the words and phrases I can and cannot use in public? Apparently I sometimes use words, that years ago were acceptable; however, no longer are appropriate and may be offensive to some very finicky people. And may I also declare unequivocally for the record, that I do not want or intend to offend, upset, injure, disenfran- chise, traumatize, demean, humiliate, disgrace, disturb, sadden, trouble, alarm or degrade any person on this earth so help me God! But I am in dire need of assistance here. With the least little slip of the tongue people can be instantly labeled and forever tarnished by a person or group, who often have a hidden agenda. Are all of us now saddled with a death sentence for letting slip a phrase or word deemed inappropriate? Shouldn’t it be a misdemeanor with a slap on the wrist and a warning? After all, they are only WORDS! Come on, lighten up. Sometimes I say dumb stuff at the wrong time. Can’t I just say I’m sorry and be done with it? For the record, I’m not talking about the “BIG” slur here that everybody knows is flat out wrong and extremely offensive.

I’m referring to exception- ally minor offenses against humanity, like calling someone “crazy” instead of mentally challenged or, referring to someone as “fat” instead of enlarged physical condition caused by a completely natural genetically-induced hormone imbalance. You get my point, the really dumb (can I still say dumb?), silly stuff that goes on daily. Also, can I please state, that my friend lives in a trailer park instead of a Mobile Home Community. At least give me that one!

I know, I’m beating my head against the PC wall. Not only is PC here to stay, it will get progressively worse I predict. Typically, as is the case with most of my rants I mainly hold the usual suspects responsible–lawyers, TV and movie stars, politicians and news casters. The haughty elites hiding in their gated communities scolding us peons on how to live our lives and what we can and can’t say. Hypocritical snobs reminding us to “do as I say, not as I do.”I’ve got a great idea, ivory tower dwellers: shut up and go away! I know; that’s not very PC of me. Below are two stories out of hundreds I found demonstrating PC run amuck.

In 2003, Dennis Tafoya, director of the L.A. County Affirmative Action Office, issued a memo describing an “exhaustive search” for any computer equipment labeled “master” and “slave.” He also stated that all offending labels should be replaced with more appropriate terminology. Purchasing officials subsequently requested that all suppliers cease using labels deemed “unacceptable and offensive;” the first step of a creeping labeling ban. The county began their investigation after ONE worker saw a videotape machine bearing the labels and filed a discrimination complaint with the Office of Affirmative Action Compliance. However, “master” and “slave” are common terms for primary and secondary hard drives in the computer industry, and have been used without complaint for decades. Due to overwhelming negative publicity and a near revolt from suppliers, L.A. County’s Division Manager of Purchasing and Contract Services promised there would be no ban on computer equipment based on current labeling practices.

In 2007, Santa Clauses in Sydney, Australia, were forced to revolt for the right to say “Ho Ho Ho”, the traditional laugh of jolly old St. Nick. It turns out that their employer, the recruitment firm Westaff (that supplies hundreds of Santas across Australia), told all trainees that “ho ho ho” could frighten children and be derogatory to women. Why? Because it was too close to the American (not Australian, mind you) slang for prostitute. Instead, the Santas were instructed to lower their voices and say “Ha ha ha”. Westaff relented only after the story broke nationally, deciding to leave the belly laughs “up to the discretion of Santa himself.”

I get it. Some terms and labels are offensive and should never be used against people or in a fit of anger, but can’t we, as a society, use common sense and not overreact when dealing with this stuff? So for you factually unencumbered (ignorant) persons of region (rednecks)…LEAVE US ALONE!

Pete Whalon, author of “The Siagon Zoo” has called South- ern California home since age five.